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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Assassins Creed Origins

I never ever think I'll ever played an assassins creed game due to the fact that this series has been out for a while and I really don't want to start a series halfway through the series. But I made a promise to a friend to try it and I finally did. This is going to be a long review

Game no: 363
Genre: Action
Platform: PS4
Release Date: 2017

AC: Origins - Start Screen - YouTube

Assassins Creed Origins - GamesCom 2017 Gameplay 4K @ 2160p HD ...

What is it about?
This is the story about the origins (duh) of the assassins and how it all started. So technically I did play the first game in the series. You play as the assassin called Bayek of Siwa where he needs to get rid of the false gods all over Egypt

What I liked?
The main storyline is compelling enough and shows his beginnings as a Medjey (I think they are like protectors or something, I have no clue until now) until he becomes the Assassin he is
This game level up system is awesome. Everything you do, see, kill, find, go will earn you XP points where in turn you can upgrade your abilities to suit your playstyle. I prefer melee combat with a hint of long range attacks
The amount of weapons and the type of weapons. So weapons has five different parts (Long sword, Sickle, Heavy,  dual blades, Spear). Each weapons gives different abilities and attack moves. For example if you take heavy or dual blades you can't use the shield but you have more attack time. The amount of weapons are endless. There is weapons for every level each with different damage attack. So you don't stick with one weapon for a while since you are constantly changing. There are also legendary weapons which give buffs (fire, poison, health regeneration to name some) which ones equipt will make the game much more fun
Long range weapons (predator, longbow, triple shot, lightbow) also have the same stats as hand weapons and you use it if you want a stealth approach
I can't talk about a game without talking about the assassin part. There are only two ways of entering a enemy area. Either you go full on attack (it is great to do that if you are a couple of levels higher than your enemies) or the stealth approach if you want to go in quick. Each is fun in its own way.
Mounts which is camels and horses. They are mostly cosmetics and provides a great way to travel from point A to point B (there even have an auto move feature which is great if you need to travel long distance)
Crafting. There are a lot of animals to kill (lion, hyenas, leopards, tigers, puma, crocodiles, hippos, a bunch tons of birds) You get their skin to upgrade your gear. You also can get your material by breaking down the extra weapons that you find
The map. The map is so big there is a lot of things to do. The main game takes around 30 hours but doing everything in the map (stargazing, fast travel points discovery, enemy barracks, animal hunting, racing, fighting, swimming underwater, exploring pyramids) 
Boss battles are awesome and it requires a lot of timing and strategy

What I didn't like?
The side quest is a hit and miss. and you know that the side quest is going to be long (short side quest is around 10 minutes and the long quest will take like 45 minutes) by their experience points you get.
The climbing sucks. I've seen great climbing (uncharted) so assassins creed climbing and moving around the environment seems so clunky. You don't feel the fluidity when climbing and it makes it like a chore
The map as big as it is.. It is just padding for stuff. Some people only play one game a year and this game can last about a year. After a while you feel everything like a chore.
After level 55 you can't level up anymore which sucks since that makes an incentive for you to continue
Ok this is a bit confusing. But it seem assassins creed is from the future. So it's about people from the future going back in time to relive history. But I really don't get any backstory of the future story. So that is quite frustrating.
Once you experience all the things you need to do, everything else seems like a chore.

Status: Finish the main story and side quests (Total quests 167). Close to 70 hours

Fun Factor: It's an awesome game. It's going to make my top 10 game of this year

DLC: The hidden ones

Assassin's Creed Origins DLC Dated, New Details About The Hidden ...

What is it about?
You go to a new island and help your assassin clan to liberate the island

What's new
New storyline with more people to assassinate.
Lot's more new weapons

Fun Factor: It's still more of the original game. Nothing special

DLC: Curse of the Pharaohs

 The Curse of the Pharaohs | Assassin's Creed Wiki | Fandom

What is it about?
Another place is disturb when the undead come and wreck havoc

What's new
New undead enemies
You get to travel to the land of the dead which is a while different game with different enemies
All of the Pharaohs are awesome to fight
Story is more or the less the same

Fun Factor: It's better than before and it's a different pace than the original game

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