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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Avengers Infinity War

After 10 years it has finally come down to this

Image result for infinity war poster

What is it about?
Thanos is out for blood in his search for the Infinity Stones and its up to Earth's Mightiest Heroes to stop him.

The good
Every Marvel characters is represented in this movie (well almost). 
The storyline is good and ties up all the loose ends after 10 years worth of movie.
Thor, Dr Strange and Bruce Banner has the best arcs in the movie
Thanos is one good bad Marvel villain 
The ending does set up as a stop point for the final Avengers movie
The comedy is spot on

The bad
The story does drag in the second act. 
The focus more on the Space adventures rather than the heroes on earth. I did not quite like that. 
The final fight scene was not as epic enough. I think its due to Thanos is severely overpowered.
The ending is going to upset a lot of kids who didn't read any of the comics. 

The Ugly
Why did Dr. Strange trap Thanos in a time loop? (probably he couldn't)
Black Panther did not shine as much as his solo movie. 

After Credits: Yes and it sets up for the next movie coming next year

Verdict: Awesome Marvel movie, still can't beat Winter Soldier but is among the top 5 movies 

God of War (2018)

What an emotional amazing experience

Game no: 286
Genre: Action
Platform: PS4
Hours Played: 30+ Hours

What is it about?
A story about a man fulfilling his wife wishes and about a boy becoming the person he was meant to be.

First of all...
This game is a masterpiece. There is nothing that I don't like about this game.

What does it have that the previous God of War doesn't
- A full 360 camera movement that comes works for:
i) Combat
- enemies now span the whole screen and you use your son as flank to get the enemies behind you
- You have a new weapon the Leviathan Axe which is a long range, melee weapon.
- R1 and R2 is for light and heavy attack
- You son carries a bow to help you stun enemies
- Kratos now can use hand to hand combat which he uses with his shield
- Weapons and armor can be upgraded using runes to give out special abilities
- Kratos and Artreus each have a skill tree to be upgraded
- You earn XP by doing almost anything XP is used to by abilities

ii) Puzzles 
- Ranges from gear puzzles, environmental puzzles and hide and seek puzzles 
- Runes are hidden in the each area and you need to move around the camera to find it

The characters 
i) Kratos
- Years has passed since the last game and Kratos is older and wiser.
- He has a son and their relationship is like a strict father to a naive son
- Dialogue between Kratos and the other characters are sometime serious and other are just cold 
- He does yell Boy!!! a lot which is funny over time 

ii) Artreus 
- He is used to slove puzzles and read Norse text. 
- He has a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry and annoyed 

iii) Side characters
- Freya the witch provides help when needed 
- Brok and Sindri provides upgrade for your gear 
- The best among all is Mimir who serve as a guide for your journey 

iv) Bosses 
- Ranges from small to big. Everyone of them has a different set of challenges to overcome 

- Engaging story from start to finish. Makes you feel for all of the characters and the motivation of each characters 

- Is not that quite open world but it functions more like small mini environments with an open hub in the middle of the map
- You get around by riding a boat to go to smaller island 
- You get around the other realms with a room bridge through the other realms 
- Fast travel is done by running in another realm. Which it was fun at first, after that it was just tedious. I think they did that to hide the loading time
- Lots of side missions with harder bosses

Overall: This game is a perfect reboot of the series without changing the core storyline. The relationship that Kratos has with his son is worth exploring in future series. This game just gave you a taste of what's to come by giving you a glimpse of what is possible in the game.

Status: Finish the core storyline. Trying to do the stideuest when I have the time.

Fun Factor: Spectacular. Another contender for game of the year. It's not how much you play but what do you play and this game is a must play

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Week 15 was a mixed bag

Well masters is going slow, but I can't concentrate that much due to God of War is coming soon. Well I know next week I won't be doing much work due to the fact that I'll be playing a lot of GOW and Infinity War is coming

Week 15

1) Did some work but not enough - DOWN
2) Did some more work, slept -UP
3) Did more work, daughter science project was great. Found out was not eligible for scholarships, oh well - UP
4) Did a lot of work, went for lunch with wife’s friends - UP
5) Run errands, myburgerlab, god of war - UP
6) my best friend came to visit with his kids, went to a swanky kids birthday party - UP
7) Went bowling with kids school friends, had a great time with the parents - UP

Up: 72 Down: 33

Thursday, April 19, 2018

It is very hard to achieve a perfect week

So week 14, stuff happen as usual. My best friend came to see us twice in the week. I love spending time with him and his girlfriend. Another week, and life still goes on

Week 14

1) Did some work, almost complete - UP
2) Poster printed, hana is ok but my wife is not. Had a great time with my best friend - UP
3) Wife cried this morning leaving Hana, sad seeing her like that. I forgot to shut down my car, overheated - DOWN
4) Presentation went great, send the car to service - UP
5) Watch a quiet place and had a lovely time with my best friend and his girlfriend - UP
6) Mom came and lots of free food - UP
7) Lazy Sunday - UP

Up: 66 Down: 32

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Shovel Knight

Who knew a shovel is more powerful that a sword

Game no: 285
Genre: Platformer
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Hours Played: 5+ hours

Image result for shovel knight start screen

Image result for shovel knight gameplay

What is it about?
A knight with a shovel needs to save his friend from the evil enchantress.

What I liked?
The difficulty is hard but not too hard. So it does offer enough of the challenge but doesn't make it too frustrating.
The shovel is an awesome weapon for attacking and jumping
The over world is build with a lot of hidden secrets and extra bosses
Each bosses name is depending on what they are known for (like propeller knight, plague knight)
Lots of upgrades magic abilities that uses a lot of magic.
Different levels with their own specific theme
Weapons, Hearts and Armor upgrade
The final boss where you need to fight all the bosses is awesome
Dream stages

What I dislike?
Precision jumping makes falling down and starting back at checkpoints frustrating.
You can't jump from a ladder, you need to fall down and time the shovel jump properly
Losing gold after you die and died again before you get the gold you lost...

Overall: This game reminds me of all school platformers like megaman and it is not an easy game to play. It provides enough challenges to not be too frustrating. This collection is part of the Shovel Knight treasure trove. There are 2 more DLCs that I want to cover so expect my review on that later. Don't feel like 100% this game. It's time to move on

Status: Finish the game with
Total Lives Lost: 105
Total Gold: 87542
Total Gold: 13609
Time Played: 5:05:50
Completed: 54%

Fun Factor: This is game is fun... Stages are around 10-30 mins long. The story is engaging and you will want to finish the game

Monday, April 16, 2018

A Quiet Place

A silent movie for the new age

Image result for a quiet place poster

What is it about?
The world is run by aliens who are attracted to sound. A family must stay quiet to stay alive.

The good
The story is gripping and shows how to live in a world without sound.
The aliens looks like something from cloverfield.

The bad
The ending is really anti climactic which ends abruptly

The Ugly
The never explain what causes this, there should at least do a 5 minute intro on the situation

After Credits: No

Verdict: I can't see what is the hype is about, but it is a good thriller movie. Worth a watch

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Peter Rabbit

It’s a great movie for all ages

What is it about?
A group of Rabbit trying to get their land from the evil McGreggor 

What’s good
The jokes are spot on and funny. Well 80% of them are 
The rabbits looks so lifelike which is super awesome
The Human characters also works well with the farm animals 

What’s bad 
It’s probably nothing but are the animals actually smarter than the humans. If so why this is not address in the movie.

The Ugly
Nothing much. I had fun laughing and the kids enjoyed themselves 

After credits: Yes 

Verdict: Awesome fun family time and a must watch if you love bunnies 

The Commuter

The next movie will be on a ship

What is it about?
A man down on his luck will do anything for his family except sacrificing his integrity 

What’s good
The first and second part of the movie is very interesting. Trying to understand who and what is happening 
The intro is one of the great intro I’ve ever seen. It shows in a span of 1 year 
Liam Neeson looks very old.

What’s Bad
The organisation is not explained in the story. Who are there? Probably in the sequel
The last act is not great once the key plot points has been revealed.

What’s Ugly
Why didn’t the bad guy just killed the person intended in the first place. Why need a stranger to do it? Maybe I didn’t catch that 

After credits: No

Verdict: Awesome Friday night movie. The plot is simple enough to be enjoyed without thinking 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The most challenging week so far

This whole week my and my wife we're handling my daughter's bully case. The school didn't believe us in the first place and said that my daughter was troubled. But after Wednesday and the kid got 2 days suspension. They saw the bloody email, the finally believe that my daughter is the victim of cyber bullying by a group. To make matters worse, my wife is also the target of the bullies by the parents. What a stressful week. My wife has not had a good nice sleep since the incident

Week 13

1) Spend a whole day at school. Emotionally spent - DOWN
2) Second day at school, nothing was accomplished- DOWN
3) Met the academic advisor, the girl got 2 days suspension, check the email and my daughter got an actual death threat - EXTREMELY DOWN
4) today met the academic advisor again, the counselor, and class teacher. They finally believe us. Wife is emotionally spent - DOWN
5) First day Hana goes to school from morning, wife is still not ok with it - DOWN
6) Lazy Saturday - UP
7) Watch a movie and bowling with the kids - UP

Up: 60 Down: 31

Friday, April 6, 2018

The week started great but...

The week started of like any other week. My wife ran a successful event at school. I managed to get some work done. Finally finished Zelda and started to get into instagramming. All that change on Saturday when my daughter received a text message asking her to kill herself. The mood of my wife and I changed and we couldn’t wait to go to school to handle the issue. My daughter has been cyber bullied and it’s not cool. They just mess with the wrong family 

Week 12

1) Manage to do some work today - UP
2) Help wife run some errands - UP
3) Manage to do more work today, finished breath of the wild - UP
4) Did some work, went home late. Ate burgerlab - UP
5) Lots of errands to run. Shipping cake in the car - UP
6) Daughter revived a text for her school mate to go kill herself - DOWN
7) Daughter cried the whole night and watching ready player one was not helping - DOWN

Up: 58 Down: 26

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ready Player One

This movie requires a second viewing on slow mo

What is it about?
In a dystopian future, people escape to a virtual world to find adventures within. Plus is a video game treasure hunt.

The good:
Lots and lots of Easter eggs. It’s from past movies, tv shows and video games 
The story is easy enough to understand 
The characters are well animated for a video game 
The shining mansion recreation is amazing 

The Bad:
The Future is not fully explained. Like how do people get internet. I am assuming is not a free game. 
Does everyone use the OASIS to get money? They didn’t explain that too much 
How did IOI becom  the worlds most powerful company? 

The Ugly: 
What happens when you die in the OASIS? does it takes a while to restart?
Every item spent goes in the OASIS but who programs updates on the game. Or the game is no longer updated? 
There must a massive data center is the world that holds all the information. I hope they explore that part of the story in the future 

After Credits: No

Verdict: Very enjoyable movie and worth multiple viewing just for the Easter eggs