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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Quarantine Day 11

So yesterday I cooked a special meal called beef rice. It has a lot of steps but cooking it with vegetable curry is awesome.

It's been the 11th day (12th day today) I wonder how much longer we can hang on. Anxiety and cabin fever has started to set in some people. I can understand why since we are not meant to be living inside for this long. I miss going out but I know if we don't do this things are going to get worse. Yesterday my wife found out that someone in her office has covid19 and the management kept it a secret. She was really upset because that person is close by her office. To make it even worse, that there was someone in her office knew about it and kept it a secret from everyone else.

Global cases has reach more than half a million and it doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon. I can imagine the worse case scenario is where for a couple of years nobody is allowed to travel due to this pandemic and the total loss of life will be in the 60 to 70 million. But the total infected will be in he 2 to 3 billion. That is just scary... no idea how we are going to face this new reality on life.

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