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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Detroit Become Human

 500th game played since 2010

Game no: 414
Genre: Adventure  
Platform: PS4
Release Date: 2018

What is it about?
In the distant future Andriods are use for most of your everyday task. But then something happen which will cause a chain reaction that will change everything

What did I liked?
You decide on what is the outcome of the story. You play as 3 characters each with a different view on the story
I love Kara story the most because she is just trying to survive
Connor story is also fun. Especially the investigating part 
You are allowed to kill your characters early in the game which will cause you to have to play the game again to get the better ending 
The graphics is amazing. The models looks almost lifelike 

What I didn't liked?
Markus story among the 3 is the weakest but he is the main part of the story 
You need to pick the right choices of the good ending and most of the choices will lock you into something you can't undo. Most of them have a split second timer so you need to do split decisions 
The walking better than the two previous games but is still clunky 

Status: Finish the game with the good ending for all 3 characters

Fun Factor: Love this game. But once you got the good ending I really don't feel like playing anymore

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