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Friday, February 12, 2021

Weekly Review (Week 6)

Feb 5 😊🥰

Started the morning with the loads of laundry. The good news is that it was so sunny that the clothes dried by the afternoon. Wanted to cook but then mum in law called saying she is bringing over lunch. Call the vet and it seems Patches is recovering but he is still on out of the woods yet. Spend the day by playing game as usual. Took a long nap and then feel tired afterwards. In the evening cook some ramen for dinner. Overall it was a good day. Me and my best friend celebrated our 100 days of being great friends

Feb 6 😊🥰
Today woke up and feel that I want to cook something special. So after talking with my best friend I decided to make an egg cabbage pancake. With some cauliflower curry and roast chicken. Spend the weekend of playing games as usual and in the evening I said I didn’t want to cook so I went and bought sushi. So it’s just a normal weekend for me

Feb 7 😅😥
I knew waking up is going to be a tiring day. Woke up and exercise. As usual. Did some house chores and for lunch I decided to get some Chinese food. I was supposed to play some more Spider-Man but the kids were born so I decided to play some more uno. I won this time. And in the evening they ask me to watch a korean movie with them. Break for dinner which I wasn’t that hungry and just finished cleaning up the kitchen to get a second half of the long story. It rained so heavily today that the back of the house is flooded. Sigh... one of those days.

Feb 8 😊🤣
So is this start of the new week. Kids at school. Wife at work. I did some gaming. I cooked some butter chicken for lunch. For dinner I got my favourite burger joint and got some pie for the wife. I talked to my best friend and as usual she is in a rut. But she made my day today by getting soak at a car wash. She clearly was sad but she didn’t locked the door properly so the water was coming in the car and she was soak fully. I was on a video call and I couldn’t stop laughing even after the day was over 🤣🤣... made my day the whole day

Feb 9 😊🥰
Today the cleaners are coming so I decided on not to cook. Instead I bought some chicken rice. In the evening after sending her home I went to pick up Patches. Patches seems okay but he was wobbly when he got out of the cage. We seemed worried thinking that the disease has affected the brain. Bought some pizza for dinner and I ate a burger

Feb 10 😊🥰
Today I cooked some chicken curry. Watched a lot of series and played a lot of games. I actually finished both Spider-Man and Hades at the same time. How cool is that. My brother in law is having a baby today (they went to the hospital yesterday evening so it’s been a solid 30 hours). I decided to bring Patches to the vet again just to check his temperature and the wobbly walk. The doctor says he is fine and there is nothing to worry about. Me and the wife had some burgers for dinner and now we are home resting. All done for the day.

Feb 11 😊🥰
I made some garlic fried rice and fried salmon. It was delicious. The day is spend just hanging out with my best friend. She told me some good news. She is finally coming home after 2 years been posted in a different state. At night the kids are in charge with their own dinner so they made some noodles. My other best friend call me and wanted to hang out.

Overall is an awesome week. Hopefully week 7 will be great as well

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