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Thursday, February 11, 2021


 This is one of the best games I've played in a long time 

Game no: 389
Genre: Action (Rougelike)
Platform: Nintendo Switch 
Release Date: 2020

What is it about?
You play as the son of Hades Zagrues as he try to escape the underworld. Over and Over again

What I liked?
This game is a league on it's own. Let's start with the story. Basically you know that you want to escape the underworld but the reason why won't be clear until a couple deaths in (more on that in a bit). Once you start uncovering the story each new conversation that you meet will help to unravel the story further.
The gameplay consists of. Going in a room. Kill everything. Get your reward and on to the next room. Rinse repeat. What makes this game interesting is that on your journey you will be guided by the gods of Olympus. Each god will give you a random different ability which you can equip. Zues gives lightning, Hermes gives speed. So each run won't be the same. Some runs it's awesome and some runs it's going to be hard but you are going to enjoy it nonetheless.  
You'll end up dying the first 8 hours of the game. Dying a lot. The best part of dying you'll start back at the beginning. You'll get a little stronger and the story moves forward. So by the time you died 30+ times you are going to be super powerful that everything is going to be breeze. 
The weapons. Each different weapon has a different play style. My play style is usually run and hit everything as fast as I can. From best to least favorite weapons, Spear, Boxing Gloves, Sword, Bow and Arrow, Shield, Gun 
Upgrades from bloods, diamonds, tears and gift. Which makes every time you become stronger
The bosses are all different in variety and provide different type of strategies. My favorite is the bone Hydra and my least favorite is the duo the Minator and Theseus 
Side characters that you meet in the run that will give you different types of bonus 
You have the ability to revive yourself after you die 3 times so that's good. Some runs I don't even need to revive. 
God Mode. This is for me. Basically for people who are weak in this type of games. God mode gives a chance for normal people to enjoy this game. You still die. But at least it seems manageable and not frustrating 

What I didn't liked?
This game is perfect in everyway. The thing I didn't like is probably is that after the end credits there is still another 40 hours of gameplay that you need to do and there is more stuff to uncover. 

Status: Finish the game and escape to the underworld 10 times until the end credits.

Fun Factor: This is definitely one of my top three games for this year (unless something better comes along) 

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