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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

My friend who I treat like a brother

On today’s profiles on my friends... I’m going to tell a story on how that you’re never too old to meet someone. The year was 2006, my wife couldn’t go out that much due to her pregnancy and she was bored. This is way before I became the connoisseur of online entertainment... so what is a guy to do to get something to watch... head through the local forums. She really wanted to watch Stargate SG-1 (it’s a classic if you love Science Fiction) so I message a random person on the forums asking if I could pay to get the show (streaming didn’t exist yet kids... so you either copy the files from your hard disk or make a dvd (🤦‍♀️ Yes I am old) copy. So this guy agreed to meet me and just gave me a copy of the show... he was rather nice about it. That probably was the start of a beautiful friendship. We slowly started talking to each other and it turns out that he and me has a lot in common. But the first 5 years of the relationship he usually fights a lot with me (it turns out he just say what he wants to say and either people will accept or will just stay further away)... it turns out I am ok on his harsh tones and words... in the end I just like his company

Fast forward in the future and we’ve been friends for a good 13 years. I’ve seen him at his lowest point and at his highest point... I’ve seen him happy and I’ve seen him sad... even though his is older than me by 7 years... he still respect my opinions.. I miss him a lot... he is currently working in Korea (by the time of this post) with his fiancé (which I’m ok with... as long she makes him happy l... most of the time). The thing is we rarely hangout but we know a lot about each other. Thanks for being my friend.

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