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Saturday, November 26, 2016


This game bring back memories. I am going on the record and saying that all NES games are hard as nails

Game no: 180
Genre: Action
Platform: NES

What's is it about:
Roller derby groups race around the tri-state area to beat the evil bad guy. You get to choose from a Fat guy, A fast girl and an all rounder girl. 

Gameplay consist of:
- Rollerblading
- Fighting
- Avoiding obstacles
- Having precision style reflexes 

What I liked: 
- The stages are cool enough
- Fighting is great
- Each skater has their own signature move and feel to it

What I didn't Liked:
- This game is super hard. And I not talking there is a lot of enemies hard. The enemy count is quite acceptable but controlling a skater with a 4 directional pad is difficult. 

Status: Played 10 minutes and youtube the rest. The game is about 30 mins long

Score: You'll end up rage quitting unless you have precision reflexes. 

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