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Friday, August 27, 2021

Weekly Review (Week 34)

August 20 🎂🥰

Today I didn't cook but I bought a lot of yummy local food. It was so yummy that I took 3 times helping. So we can agree that local food can only be bought once a week. Did nothing much but just played some games and for dinner reheated the Sheppard Pie. In the evening watch a movie with my best friend. Overall it is a good day. Oh I almost forgot. Today is my best friend's birthday. So I spend time giving them birthday wishes when they called. They were happy because they have a friend to celebrate their birthday week.

August 21 😊🥰

Today woke up and went for a walk/run. Coming back I made some fried rice while doing a lot of laundry since it is the first time after a while it didn't rain. After lunch me and the wife went to do some errands. We bought some plastic containers to do some home reorganizing for the house. And then we went for the mall just to see the sight. The mall was surprisingly not that full. At night I played some games and ended the night with a movie with the wife. 

August 22 😊🥰

Today is big cleaning day for the household. Wife decided enough is enough so she decided to clean the kitchen and reorganized all the drawers. We started with the fridges and then the cabinets. I had to go back to the plastic shop to buy more containers. For lunch we all had our own lunch. The kids had some Sheppard's pie and I had some instant noodles. Dinner we decided to have it at my in laws place because I need to bring the cleaner back. So at night it was just me and H1 with the cleaner while wife and H2 was staying at her mom's place. I got a call at 230 from the wife saying that Hany is allergic to something and can't sleep properly. I didn't had that much a good sleep yesterday but it was okay I guess

August 23 😊🥰

It is my birthday eve. So today morning I woke up and did some exercises. After that went to see my wife at the in laws. Before making a pit stop there I had a burger at my favorite burger place. At my in laws I just rest and hang while watching some shows. Came back at 5 to cook some pesto for dinner and then brought the cleaner back home. Now I am all refresh and wanting to play some games. 

August 24 🎂🥰

Today is my birthday. So I woke up early in the morning. Get some exercising done. My best friend ordered breakfast for the family. It was sandwiches and salad with pancakes for the kids. After that I played some Call of Duty WW2. It is a interesting game. The sandwich made  me sleepy so I took a nap. After that we went to a mall for my birthday to have my birthday lunch. Due to covid restriction just getting relaxed. Most restaurant don't offer dine in options. So I wanted steak but in the end we got to eat at a Chinese restaurant. I ordered food for the girls via app and then we went and bought cakes. Coming home H1 got a package of shirts that she design. So we need to drive to all her friends house to drop off the shirts. That took a good one hour plus. Coming home I got a translation job and at night I ate some salad because I was hungry. I slept close after midnight. Overall it was an awesome day. 

August 25 😊🥰

Today I planned to cook some Nasi Dagang. It was my first time doing it and it was delicious. Everyone love it and we gave the neighbor some.  I took a long nap and then in the evening I took Callie back. Callie is still feeling the effects and she is still making more noise. Played uno and I had a headache in the evening. Slept earlier than usual.  

August 26 😢😊

Today I cooked some chicken curry for lunch. I made a lot and in the afternoon my mom in law came to send us some bananas. I invited her over for lunch. After lunch I continue to play more Metroid and then in the evening brought everyone out. Wife had to remove stitches from the eye and the kids wanted to eat McDonald’s. Overall it was a great day. Oh wife started to hurt herself again. Sigh 

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