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Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 374: What's the point

Yesterday is a sucky day. Not because of work (well partly related). Yesterday the parent company gave some briefing about your performance and how your performance is related to your bonus and payout. But after the meeting I went to check the system and see that my boss have given me a very very bad competency review. the review meant that I am incompetent. So I ask what is the point... No matter how much of work you do... no matter how much you think you are like by your peers. In the end if your own boss doesn't think you are competent enough to do your job, what is the point of working here... I want to confront my boss and ask him to justify by given me a bad rating. But I have a lot of leeway from him so I think by just asking will open a different can of worms. I got to play it by the ear and see when it comes to my performance review next week. That's going to be another sucky day./

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