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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Metroid Other M

This is a different Metroid experience

Game no: 426
Genre: Action  
Platform: Wii
Release Date: 2010

What is it about?
It is sort of a different timeline story after the first Metroid game

What I liked?
Fast paced Metroid gameplay. The movement feels good in this game 
Auto aiming its great when you are running from one end to the other 
You can recharge your own health and missiles when you are low 
Linear gameplay which is great with POI on where you need to go 
Boss fights are interesting and innovate 

What I don't liked?
Switching from third to first person view. I played this on the pc but with a wiimote emulated. So there will be bosses and scanning where you need to change the views. That can be tedious, tiring and troublesome in the long run. 
The story. Really this is really some soap opera thing where really it can be skipped 
Why is the suit makes her 8 feet but when she is not in the suit she is only 5 and half feet. It doesn't make sense. 
Your upgrade is lock behind an admin access. Which beats the way of a Metroid game where you discover new abilities but really this is not like any Metroid game. 

Status: Finish the game until the credits. Skip the epilogue 

Fun Factor: A very interesting game. A must try at least once. 

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