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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Outer Wilds

This is one of the best experience in gaming I've ever had

Game no: 354
Genre: Adventure
Platform: PC
Release Date: 2019

Image result for outer wilds start screen

Image result for outer wilds gameplay

What is it about?
You play as a space explorer wanting to explore the solar system. The only catch is you have 22 minutes before the whole universe implodes. Think groundhog day in space

What I liked?
There is no objectives. No mission. Nothing. Once you are given the spaceship, you are free to go anywhere you choose. But in real life. Space could be dangerous. Here are the list of things that can kill you in space
- Running out of oxygen
- Getting pulled in the sun gravitational field
- Park on a planet only to be warps to the other side of the solar system with no way of getting back
- Spaceship damage
- Space suit damage
- Drowning

You slowly explore the planets and try to figure out what causes the time loops. Once you explore the clues will build up and it will unlock the secrets of the game
The feeling of discovering something new for the first time. It's a feeling that cannot be replicated.
Each planet has different gravity and physics which you need skills to navigate in zero gravity
This game makes you think about it even after you stop playing. I'll always think on what is the next path of exploration to go.
Controlling the spaceship is satisfying. Landing is always a challenge

What I didn't liked?
You really need to read a lot and sometimes you'll miss clues from the a couple of days ago.
The answer lies in the clues but eventually you'll miss out on something which makes exploring the same thing over and over again tedious. Since you don't know where to go.
22 minutes of exploring is frustrating when you find somewhere new only to have a couple of minutes before the loop restart. Some places takes forever to go to since a couple of planet conditions needs to be met and its very difficult.

Status: Explore all the main location and once I am done. I just youtube the ending. It was very satisfying to watch.

Fun Factor: Definitely one of my best game I've played so far. I stopped due to my impatience but I would like to visit it again one day

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