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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Person of Interest

" You've been watched. The government has a secret system. A machine that spies on you. Victim or perpetrator if your number's up we will find you "

I just finished watching the series finale And here are my view of the series 

Characters: A programmer Harold Finch design a machine to help sort the irrelevant numbers. Numbers that will have a small impact on lives. To help the people he needs a specialist... Enter

John Reese... A "dead" spec ops guy who is literally Batman with guns . Together they help stop/save people from bad things.

Aiding them are 

Jane Carter and Lionel Fusco. NYPD detective 

Later joining the team are 

Root and Shaw, Assets of the machine.

Plot: The weekly episodes are the number of the week. It's pretty straightforward. There is an overall arc that govern each season. 

Views: What makes this the best Scifi show is that the issues they are tackling are real. Since nothing is a secret anymore. With social media, anyone can hack our social lives and find stuff about us. Plus cities like New York and London that have close to 3000+ cameras makes sure anything we do is recorded. The series evolved into a morality game weather we humans should be govern by a all seeing eye... I for one  am against it but it's scary to see how far we are evolving to a species that is willing to share everything 

Episodes: 103 (75 hours+)
Season: 5

A must watch if you are a fan of action, drama and a lot of computer talk. 

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