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Friday, December 10, 2021

Weekly Review (Week 49)

December 3 😊🥰

Today I decided to make Parmesan chicken, potato scallops and spicy coleslaw. It was delicious but I think I over did it with the milk in the scallops. Besides that didn’t do anything much. It was a gloomy day where it was raining so I play a couple of games and watch some tv. As usual

December 4 😓😣

Today I didn’t want to cook but we had a lot of leftovers so we ate that. My mom in law came and brought dinner for us. It was okay. I’m sad because my financial adviser called and say the project that I am investing in is going to be full so that means that my goal to get a certain amount can’t be achieve. It really broke my heart. But it’s okay. I got this much is consider lucky. So yeah. I believe that when one window closes another will open 

December 5 😊🥰

Today I am not cooking so we had whatever we can find in the kitchen. At night my mom in law decided to visit us again so this time we made some simple food. The day was spend just doing normal stuff. Nothing to exciting. Life is really mundane 

December 6 😣😢

Today I need to pick up the gardener from my mom in law house so that he could fix the garden. After that I went and cook some soy chicken for lunch and dinner. Send wife to work in the afternoon and went to the post office. At night I had a fight with wife. We both slept angrily and in my mind I am thinking why bother anymore. 

December 7 😣😊

Wife is angry at me so she is not talking to me. Sigh. I wanted to make some beef soup but there was no beef. So I bought some salmon instead. So I made some salmon with mash potatoes and cream spinach sauce. I spend the day mostly playing games and watching tv. In the evening she wanted to talk to me and then I feed her some food.  It was an okay day I guess. I am not complaining 

December 8 😊🥰

Today I didn’t cook because there is a lot of things to do at the house. Did laundry and clean the house. For lunch I bought some some Chinese food and for dinner finally I bought sushi for the kids. At the mall I bought some bread and juice. In the evening played some Forza and talked to my best friend

December 9 😊🥰

Today I decided to make some black sauce beef. I bought a lot of beef so I could give it to my best friend. But they declined the offer which let me invite my mom in law to come over and have dinner with us. Forza just started the new season so I am busy collecting points for that. Other than that is has been a usual day. 

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