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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Pokemon Yellow

This is a lack there of a game rather than a game that I played

Genre: RPG
Platform: Game Boy

Image result for pokemon yellow game boyImage result for pokemon yellow game boy

Does this game holds up?
-Don't get me wrong, if you youtube best/ top 10 games for the Game Boy and a version of pokemon will be in the list. But I don't know why, the game didn't resonate with me. RPGs has not been my cup of tea due to its low response time and slow pacing as well as grinding. But for me the people who actually play pokemon really have a lot of patience in hand. This game where you control a pokemon and fight off other pokemon is a grindfest

First of all 
- You need to make sure that you are stock with pokeballs, potions and other items so that your pokemon won't die in the mist of battle.
- You have to train the current pokemon to be the very best but when they have only 1-2 attack moves and the rest is just specials that depower the other pokemon makes this game like a version of rock-paper-scissors where if you are lucky you can win.
- Does every NPC wants you to fight them... You can't even have a decent conversation outside of towns since everybody just want you to fight their pokemon which becomes tedious and repetitive after a while.

So I will not watch the longplay of this game. I know it's a great game and I am probably one of the minority who doesn't enjoy grinding to fight a boss (I wonder how is it with final fantasy after this or the 16-bits RPG)

Status: Played 1 hour of the game. Got bored after fighting the same metapod in the bushes over and over again.
Fun Factor: It's a fun game. It is just not for me. I would recommend this game to anyone who wants a good game to play for the long haul.

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