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Monday, January 6, 2020

The Witcher Season 1

Toss a coin to a Witcher, oh valley of plenty

Image result for the witcher netflix

Episodes: 8

What is it about?
Ok, this is based on a 30 year old book. It has been made into a kick ass video game (which I planned to play in the future). This story is a collection of short stories from one of the books

What I liked?
The story is very interesting. A bit slow to start but eventually it gets there
Henry Cavill perfectly portrayal of the Witcher
There are not many monster but when there is action it does a good job.
The songs... The main song you'll hear in the second episodes is an earworm

What I didn't liked?
This story is confusing. It turns out there is it out of order for a reason. They jump forward and backwards in time and you as the viewer are left figuring it out yourself
You need to know who are the characters in the series by hand. Most of them don't have any explanation on why they are like that. But they give you small glimpses of what is coming
The main bad guy is still a mysstery.

Character Development
The Witcher and the main characters all get their own stand alone episodes to shine.

Verdict: Its a must watch and it just going to get better over time.

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