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Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 385: Back to work

So after 9 days off. Which seems to me like a long time. I am finally back to work. Over last week I found out that I have to do surgery. So next week I will be admitted for 4 days. That means I need to settle everything for 1 month in 5 days. I really should stop starting my sentences with SO.. its getting pretty repetitive. Work was ok.. there are stuff to do and stuff that I need to deliver. Nothing that special. What was a bombshell of this week is two of our senior managers tendered their resignation. One had 3 months notice and she is currently serving her 2 month. While the other have 1 week notice and her new company is going to pay the current company the 3 months that is due.

The question is why did the quit

Manager A: She was frustrated at how she became the punching bag last year since we didn't meet our sales target. She didn't want the blame to be put on her. I don't blame her... Good on her for standing up for what she believe in. Mood on the office was a bit somber. She didn't talk at all at the meeting and was just quiet minding her own business.

Manager B: This is perplexing. She told everyone because she got a better offer. But really... you  must have a lot of pull to secure a 1 week notice off. Plus she is taking all of her contacts with her. So we are on uncharted territory since any new parts/hardware/software order will go through her. So now she is not here, where will get the pricing. They are looking for a new people to replace her but I doubt it you can get the same amount of contacts as the previous boss.

I had a meeting with SJ. She was the new marketing manager. The meeting was only for 20 mins but I think we spend 1 hour just gossiping about stuff. She did want to touch my lump at the back after I told her about the operation. So that was cool. I guess. If you could a growth cool. Ok then... See you tomorrow. I want to upgrade my psp.

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