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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day 313: Bad day today

I thought I was home free already for today. But I got a call from one form one of my CM saying I gave some confidential information to an unauthorized person. She was yelling, but she was telling me that was wrong. I did apologize and I feel bad but seriously there is nothing else I can do.

Let's run through the scenarios that will happen tomorrow when I go to the office

a) will be told off by someone of high power
b) will be told off and get fired
c) will be told off and get disciplinary action
d) people will joke about it and that is it
e) everything isi normal and I just keep quiet about it.

Well it is a learning experience. I do notice everytime close to a long vacation shit always hits the fan. To make more bad news. CK will be on leave for two days and I will be in the lead for this tender. Let's see if I can churn everything out tomorrow so I can ask for half day on Friday. Since I need a vacation from work. My chest hurt but after blogging I do feel better. People  say blogging doesn't help with the soul. But I do feel that, my blog makes me feel happy.. My mom was trying to give me solutions but I guess better I just ride this out. I have less than 16 hours left. Haven't packed yet.

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