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Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 151: Im back...

After a long extended holiday. Well is actually on Day 150, my sickness apparently got worse.. I mean way worse. Like hospitalize worse. I was admitted to the hospital for 3 days and got another 2 days of medical leave. So basically the week I was not able to come to work. So holiday start early for me...

Anywho... today was my first day of work after 17 days off. I came back and was greeted with open arms. My boss and everyone was interested in my well being. Which is very touching for me. So I spend the better half of the day doing my claims and catching up on emails.

The things that happen for me today that I can highlight

* I was going to the toilet and at the same time I entered my CEO walked out... Gave me a heart attack. We both laughed it off...

* One of my friends brought his wife to the usual hangout place for lunch.

* I got the Death Star of all project. This is big.. .Very big...  I am scared

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