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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Until Dawn

Choose your own horror story adventure

Game no: 478
Genre: Adventure 
Platform: PS4
Release Date: 2015

A year ago a group of friends went to the mountain and two of them disappeared. Now a year after the group of friends return to the scene to honor their memory. After that that when thigs start to go crazy 

Until dawn is a choose your own adventure where the controls are only moving using the right stick. Picking up items using X and R2 and QuickTime events using button prompts when you are in a tense situation. Other than that the game doesn't let you deviate to much from the script. There are branches of options to choose from which will effect the outcome of the story and each choice you make is a butterfly effect (a concept where they try to tell you over and over again). This game was meant to be replayed again after you finish a run. But even though the story is interesting in the first half, once you get to experience the story again there is no reason to come back to it. You'll probably will want to reply this only to try to save the people you lost (that apparently is the good ending) 

The things that I like is the storyline and the gameplay method. You really just can play this game lying on the back of the chair and just relaxing. As for the horror elements I am going to say that once you know what is the McGuffin is. You won't be scared. There are a lot of jump scares but you can probably see it a mile away. The lore doesn't make sense (or probably I didn't get all of the clues of it to make sense) but it's a game so is either you enjoy it or you don't. 
I manage to finish the game until the end credits with only 3 out of 8 survived (I was an error in my part). Play this game with someone if you like scary movies and you want an interactive experience. I will give this game a B rank.   

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