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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Shovel Knight

Who knew a shovel is more powerful that a sword

Game no: 285
Genre: Platformer
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Hours Played: 5+ hours

Image result for shovel knight start screen

Image result for shovel knight gameplay

What is it about?
A knight with a shovel needs to save his friend from the evil enchantress.

What I liked?
The difficulty is hard but not too hard. So it does offer enough of the challenge but doesn't make it too frustrating.
The shovel is an awesome weapon for attacking and jumping
The over world is build with a lot of hidden secrets and extra bosses
Each bosses name is depending on what they are known for (like propeller knight, plague knight)
Lots of upgrades magic abilities that uses a lot of magic.
Different levels with their own specific theme
Weapons, Hearts and Armor upgrade
The final boss where you need to fight all the bosses is awesome
Dream stages

What I dislike?
Precision jumping makes falling down and starting back at checkpoints frustrating.
You can't jump from a ladder, you need to fall down and time the shovel jump properly
Losing gold after you die and died again before you get the gold you lost...

Overall: This game reminds me of all school platformers like megaman and it is not an easy game to play. It provides enough challenges to not be too frustrating. This collection is part of the Shovel Knight treasure trove. There are 2 more DLCs that I want to cover so expect my review on that later. Don't feel like 100% this game. It's time to move on

Status: Finish the game with
Total Lives Lost: 105
Total Gold: 87542
Total Gold: 13609
Time Played: 5:05:50
Completed: 54%

Fun Factor: This is game is fun... Stages are around 10-30 mins long. The story is engaging and you will want to finish the game

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