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Sunday, April 29, 2018

God of War (2018)

What an emotional amazing experience

Game no: 286
Genre: Action
Platform: PS4
Hours Played: 30+ Hours

What is it about?
A story about a man fulfilling his wife wishes and about a boy becoming the person he was meant to be.

First of all...
This game is a masterpiece. There is nothing that I don't like about this game.

What does it have that the previous God of War doesn't
- A full 360 camera movement that comes works for:
i) Combat
- enemies now span the whole screen and you use your son as flank to get the enemies behind you
- You have a new weapon the Leviathan Axe which is a long range, melee weapon.
- R1 and R2 is for light and heavy attack
- You son carries a bow to help you stun enemies
- Kratos now can use hand to hand combat which he uses with his shield
- Weapons and armor can be upgraded using runes to give out special abilities
- Kratos and Artreus each have a skill tree to be upgraded
- You earn XP by doing almost anything XP is used to by abilities

ii) Puzzles 
- Ranges from gear puzzles, environmental puzzles and hide and seek puzzles 
- Runes are hidden in the each area and you need to move around the camera to find it

The characters 
i) Kratos
- Years has passed since the last game and Kratos is older and wiser.
- He has a son and their relationship is like a strict father to a naive son
- Dialogue between Kratos and the other characters are sometime serious and other are just cold 
- He does yell Boy!!! a lot which is funny over time 

ii) Artreus 
- He is used to slove puzzles and read Norse text. 
- He has a range of emotions from happy, sad, angry and annoyed 

iii) Side characters
- Freya the witch provides help when needed 
- Brok and Sindri provides upgrade for your gear 
- The best among all is Mimir who serve as a guide for your journey 

iv) Bosses 
- Ranges from small to big. Everyone of them has a different set of challenges to overcome 

- Engaging story from start to finish. Makes you feel for all of the characters and the motivation of each characters 

- Is not that quite open world but it functions more like small mini environments with an open hub in the middle of the map
- You get around by riding a boat to go to smaller island 
- You get around the other realms with a room bridge through the other realms 
- Fast travel is done by running in another realm. Which it was fun at first, after that it was just tedious. I think they did that to hide the loading time
- Lots of side missions with harder bosses

Overall: This game is a perfect reboot of the series without changing the core storyline. The relationship that Kratos has with his son is worth exploring in future series. This game just gave you a taste of what's to come by giving you a glimpse of what is possible in the game.

Status: Finish the core storyline. Trying to do the stideuest when I have the time.

Fun Factor: Spectacular. Another contender for game of the year. It's not how much you play but what do you play and this game is a must play

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