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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week 36 - Bought an exercise machine

Going back to vacation and this week me and wife are starting our 3 week diet. I need to make sure to control her diet and plus I bought a bike. So I have 3 months to see how much we can improve on her. We can do this. Its a long journey but consistency is the key 

Sept 1
• Went to the mall with H2 and wife. There is an independence day sale so wife and H2 bought stuff for themselves
• Pick up maid to clean up the house

Sept 2
• My idiot brother in law wife came back today. So I thought she would stay for at least a week and I was wrong. What makes me more annoying is that my wife is manipulated by her mother in law. I don't like how my wife is always manipulated in doing stuff

Sept 3
• Went shopping for H2 stationary
• The school emailed and said that school will start next week. So yay

Sept 4
• Cooked something new today. Stuffed mushrooms and Spanish in cream cheese
• Brother in law wife came back after a day saying all the nasty stuff to my family. My mom in law just took her back due to the baby.

Sept 5
• Made some pumpkin soup today. It was yummy
• Went to the mall to buy and exercise equipment. I want to get a treadmill but wife’s need are first so I got an incumbent bike. It’s less stress on the joints

Sept 6
• Got my limited edition Astro Bot controller from Sony. Now need to wait for my best friend to get me the game.

Sept 7
• Lazy Saturday. Awesome
• Finish Ghost of Tsushima. Review probably next week.

Next week H2 will actually start school and the routine will finally start back. Other than that I have nothing much waiting on the horizon.

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