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Saturday, September 21, 2024


This is a marketing stunt for her daughter

What is it about?
A serial killer is in the stadium and he is trap by the police and needs to figure out a way to get out 

The Good
The first 1 hour where he is trap in the staidum is amazing. 
We really don't know what happens next 
The person who plays the daughter is not bad 

The Bad
The movie should have ended in the first hour. It became absurd after that which I call shenanigants on 
Really the daughter of M night can't reaklly act that well
Since it is PG movie so all the scene are more kid friendly
There are multiple way tot end the movie but I think the movie drag on for way tooo long. 

The Ugly
The biggest star in the world and she travels everywhere without an entourage
Josh Hartnett is a great serial killer but as a normal person probably needs some work 

After Credit: Yes 

Verdict: Watch the first hour and then close the movie. Good enough for that 

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