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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Week 35 - Vacation time

This week the whole family went for a vacation. It was an awesome experince. But it ended with a sad thing where we had to say goodbye to the baby. But it didn't effect me. But everyone was sad.

Aug 25
• Mom came back from her hometown
• Mom treat me to eat all you can eat Malaysian food. • • The food choices were plenty and I ate too much so now I feel sick.
• Wife was annoyed at H1 since she keeps pushing her tasks to H2. Wife didn't have it so she gave a long text on how selfish H1 is. Everything with her is just take take take and never give. I am sad that I thought I thought H1 to be a good person but sometimes she becomes to spoilt. I hope there is ime to do better.
• Finished classes this month 270 classes. A new record.

Aug 26
• My brother had a meeting around the area so I decided to invite him for an early dinner. We ate at my favorite burger joint and I got 2 free burgers because I have lots of points with them
• We had a heart to heart about a lot of things. Family, work, life, investment. I could talk to him forever. It’s sad we can’t see each other anymore due to his busy work schedule and he is 4 states away. But it’s all good

Aug 27 (Memorable)
• After classes this morning we are packed and off to Penang for a 3 day 2 night vacation. We had to leave a bit late due that H1 got a computerise car examination going on
• The person was late to pick up H1 so in the end I just send her and she did it in 15 mins (test was 45 mins). She got 47/50.
• We left close to 11:30 and the drive took 5 hours 40 mins due to stopping for lunch and petrol and toilet breaks. The traffic was okay. But the best part is that since school holidays start next week
• The hotel was amazing. They upgrade the kids room due to it being so far from us. We got the deluxe room. But by the time we arrived at 5pm the water park was closed. So the girls say let’s stay one more day so we can go tomorrow. I said sure.
• At night we had some takeaway food with cake at night. Overall a good vacation

Aug 28
• Today we woke up early for buffet breakfast. Buffet breakfast was amazing. I think I ate a lot
• Back to room to get ready to go to the water park only to realised that it’s close today for maintenance.
• So we slept until 1pm and at 2-4pm we went to the pool. The pool was empty since there was no one around
• After that we got ready at night and went to eat outside the town. The food was okay. Nothing to special. Tomorrow heading to the island

Aug 29
• McDonald’s breakfast after I did my morning class and went to the gym.
• Pack and left at 11am to the island. We straight went to Penang Hill.
• Penang Hill was a long train. I think the last time I went there was when I was 3. A lot has change and now the train was faster. Took some beautiful pictures and then went down.
• Went to eat at the famous Nasi Kandar place that was at a busy intersection. Food was okay but wife got tummy ache
• Went to our airbnb. It was like a gaming quest where I need to solve a lot of riddles and codes to get in
• The apartment was awesome. An arcade, karaoke machine and board games and a 90 inch screen
• Went for dinner with my aunt and uncle. They took us to a one star Michelin restaurant that serve Pernakan food. The food was delicious. Would come again.
• Back home and my friend gave me work. So now doing it while H1 and H2 and wife are singing songs
• Sleep time at 12:50am. Tomorrow going home

Aug 30
• Today is going home day. We packed our bags. Played a couple round of foosball. Return back the key and went to my uncle house
• Uncle is treating us some nasi kandar before we go for the long journey
• H1 and me always order the lamb shank when we someone is treating us lunch.
• We left my uncle house around 1pm and left Penang. The journey was smooth but I was sleepy due to the food. So I had to stop twice. The second stop I had some ice cream and I took a nap
• Arrived home close to 8pm after having some dinner
• Overall it was a great vacation. Kids had fun. I had great food. Overall would do this again

Aug 31
• Today is class back to normal. I had to do loads of laundry and accidentaly washed H1 cleaned clothes. My bad
• Wife told me that Brother in law and his wife had a big fight and the wife called her siblings and htey ask to take the baby away. So after lunch we went to my mom in law house and everyone was sad. People were crying. I did kiss the baby goodbye. My bet is that after a week she realised that she is not living the posh life so she will ask to come back.

Next week it back to school week. yay....

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