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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut

This is one of the best games I've played 

Game no: 529
Genre: Action 
Platform: PS5
Release Date: 2021

This is going to be one fo my long widing post about a game I played. This is my second game of the year that is consider current gen. Ghost of Tsushima is a game that came out in 2020 for the PS4 which is close tot he PS4 end of life. The game was considered a masterpiece and I can tell you that there is a lot of things that I have never seen in a game before that this game do very well. This is going to be a two part review. A review of the main game and the review of the DLC (Iki Island). 

Ghost of Tsushima is the story about a Samurai named Jin Sakai and how has to stop his island from being invaded by Mongols that is lead by the ruthless Kothal Khan. From the moment you start the game and when you ride through the intro screen you are amazed at how beautiful this game look. This I can say it is one of the most beautiful game on the PS5. Everything looks so stunning with the lighting effects and weather. This game has also the option to turn it into black and white or as they call it Kurusawa mode. I didn't like this effect that much since everything looks good while in colour. As for the story this game is a story about redemption and honor. In order to save his island Jin must forgo the teachings of the samurai and become something more. A "Ghost" as they say. I love the story from start to finish.

Now let's talk about gameplay which is going to be the main topic of the discussion. This game plays a lot like any open world game. You have markers and each markers will lead you to a story beat. You settle the story and then get experince points where you use to buy upgrade points. It's basically that in a nutshell. The map is huge with 3 different regions. The maps have settlements that are occupied by mongols and you need to liberate them. Them oment you liberate them you will gain the fast travel to the area. What makes this game unique is that there is not HUD display on screen. Usually with most open world game there is a map where they will show where is your next objective. This game however has a minimal UI system. To find out where you have to go. You just have to swipe up on the controller and  the wind will take you to the direction on where do you want to go. I find that this system makes playing the game very immersive. The villages are the source of you upgrading your weapons, sub weapons and armor. You only have 2 main weapons which is your katana and your smaller knife for assisnations. To upgrade it you must collect
their in game currencies which consist of supplies, bamboo, wood, leather, iron, silk. The numbers are abitiary but a certain amount will nap you the upgrade. Along the journey you will also get a lot of different armor sets. Which its its own unique properties, like more damage better health or stealth. If you can maintain a no hit combo for 7 kills you will unlock like god mode where you can one hit kill 3 people. There aer 4 types of enemies and combat consists of 4 types of stances.  Each  stance is suitable for a particular enemy (sword, shield, staff and brute) and this makes you have to change strategy when confronting with multiple enemies that surround you. The game doesn't have a lock on system but it seems to know where to attack next.I find that amazing. I've played more than 50 hours in and I am not stlll not sure how the combat can be so engaging and still fun. There are also some stealth sections to the game and sometimes you need to be quiet so that you won't be overwhlemed by a horde of enemies 

There is only one thing I don't like about this game that is you can skip a particular cut scene. You have to see it through. I get it that it's to preserve the story but some of the stories I do find a bit too boring a tedious. Other than that are just nitpicks I guess. Your skill tree ends but you will still have more upgrade points to be used. I also forgot there is an online factor in this game but I didn't play it since this game is really outdated and therre is no one playing at the servers and it's kind of a rouge lite mode. Nohting to interesting  Some of clothes suck and the color options also doesn't help. Everything else about this game is a masterpiece. I am glad that I played this game 3 years in after everyone has played this. This game is best experince without anybody giving ideas in yopur head on what the game is supposed to be. 

Overall Ghost of Tsushima is a great game and really this will be my game of the year if a certain robot didn't come thiis year as well (more on that later in the months). Next I will review the DLC. Overall this game is an S-Rank for me.

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