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Saturday, September 21, 2024


This is a marketing stunt for her daughter

What is it about?
A serial killer is in the stadium and he is trap by the police and needs to figure out a way to get out 

The Good
The first 1 hour where he is trap in the staidum is amazing. 
We really don't know what happens next 
The person who plays the daughter is not bad 

The Bad
The movie should have ended in the first hour. It became absurd after that which I call shenanigants on 
Really the daughter of M night can't reaklly act that well
Since it is PG movie so all the scene are more kid friendly
There are multiple way tot end the movie but I think the movie drag on for way tooo long. 

The Ugly
The biggest star in the world and she travels everywhere without an entourage
Josh Hartnett is a great serial killer but as a normal person probably needs some work 

After Credit: Yes 

Verdict: Watch the first hour and then close the movie. Good enough for that 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

FBI season 6

The weakest among the bunch \

Bad of the week: As usual ther eis a bad of the week but we start the season with a death of an agent and that will send Tiffany into a long arc trying to find him 

Maggie: Maggie it seems has a kid now due to a friend dying. Among the 4 I think I like Maggie the least because she is super serious all the time 

Bombs: This season I think it is mostly bombs. I think 5 episodes are about explosive 

Ending: It ends wihtout a cliffhanger. Which is good. This season overall FBI trilogy has been a good watch. 

Star Wars Rogue Squadron

Games are better when you are young 

Genre: Action 
Platform: Nintendo 64
Release Date: 1998

I remember playing this game when I was young on my pc. It was the best game I've played since you get to play as ships from the Star Wars univere. But revisiting this game again for the Nintendo 64 made me realise that this game actually sucks. The controls are stiff. Controlling the ships are a chore and the most important thing is that it is very hard to get a good score. I also got less than 20% on accurancy. So frustrating. But the good thing is that this game has cheats. So after typing the cheat code for everything. I did most of the stages awnd it was fun. I can't say that flying in a star fighter is not fun. Just everything else sucks about it. Overall I give this game a B-Rank 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ghost of Tshushima Return to Iki Island

The DLC that gives some backstory about Jin's past 

Game no: 530
Genre: Action 
Platform: PS5
Release Date: 2021

This game was part of the Director's Cut version. But in order to access it you need to play until chapter 2 of the game which is around 20 hours. So I think it was great for me to get through the game for the first rather than play it again. If you want to see my review of the game you can check my previous review but as for this game there are a couple things that I want to touch on 

In this game, Jin found that there are a group of Mongols that are camp on Iki island that are dangerous than the normal Mongols since they have the ability to make the other Mongols go crazy. Jin has to go there and stop them but when he arrived he found out that his clan was the cause for the island demise. So this game is more about redemption for the other inhabitants of the island. Other than that he needs to face the fact that he has to work through his demons of the death of his father. It makes this game a more personal experince 

The island is 1/5 smaller than the main game. You can finish the game in around 5 hours with another 4 hours if you want to complete it. Gameplay is the same as before. There are two different things is that now your horse has an attack where he will ram people. Other than that combat has been more strategic where you need to attack the shaman first before attacking the rest of the mongols since the shaman gives them a boost in strengh. There are also a new move witht he grappling hook which I like. There is also a travelsal stage with using the hook which is also great. Oh and there are cats you can pet.
Overall the DLC did what it was supposed to do. It tells a story that helps complete the whole package of Jin. The gameplay is the same so there nothing to special about that and it ends at the right time. Overall this has been a great experince of the original game and as well as the DLC. But it is more or less the same so I will give this game an S-Rank as well 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week 37 - My computer is busted

This week has been quite a week. Good things happen as well as bad things. The most main thing is that my torrent pc is damage. I got a hard disk but due to my download pc is 10 years old so it doesn't like the new hard disk. So I will buy one more hard disk and if doesn't work I need to start plan B

 Sept 8

• Rest today in the evening • Wife glasses were broken so we went to fix it • Date night with wife at a sushi restaurant

Sept 9
• Exercise bike is here
• H1 found a prom dress. Very beautiful
• H2 first day of school and she got the class with all the quiet kids. Yay

Sept 10
• I did 1 hour cycle and it wa super tiring. So tomorrow I am going to cut it down 30 mins in the morning and 30 mins at night.

Sept 12
• Woke up this morning with download computer not working. It turns out that the hard disk is dead. Can't do anything about it. Everything was lost.
• Had to buy a new hdd. There were out of 10TB. So I had to get the 8TB version. Wasn't ideal but I had no choice
• H1 went on a date with her friend.

Sept 13
• The PC is acting up right now. It is slower than usual. I do not know what to do. I really don't want to spend money on a new pc. That's 5k down the drain.

Sept 14
• H1 had to be involved in a prom comittee
• We took H1 out to get some clothes for school
• I did some troubleshooting on the hard disk and it turns out that my motherboard is not accepting of the new hard disk. So I transfer the new hard disk from my pc to the kids pc and then I need to buy a new hard disk for my pc.
• H1 came to me and ask if can she has a boyfriend. Well it has started. The journey towards life for her.

This is a long weekend for us. 4 days off and it means that everyone is going out for holiday. We are probably just going to stay close by. H1 just declared that she wanted to boyfriend. That is a milestone in her life. Hopefully she will learn from it.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut

This is one of the best games I've played 

Game no: 529
Genre: Action 
Platform: PS5
Release Date: 2021

This is going to be one fo my long widing post about a game I played. This is my second game of the year that is consider current gen. Ghost of Tsushima is a game that came out in 2020 for the PS4 which is close tot he PS4 end of life. The game was considered a masterpiece and I can tell you that there is a lot of things that I have never seen in a game before that this game do very well. This is going to be a two part review. A review of the main game and the review of the DLC (Iki Island). 

Ghost of Tsushima is the story about a Samurai named Jin Sakai and how has to stop his island from being invaded by Mongols that is lead by the ruthless Kothal Khan. From the moment you start the game and when you ride through the intro screen you are amazed at how beautiful this game look. This I can say it is one of the most beautiful game on the PS5. Everything looks so stunning with the lighting effects and weather. This game has also the option to turn it into black and white or as they call it Kurusawa mode. I didn't like this effect that much since everything looks good while in colour. As for the story this game is a story about redemption and honor. In order to save his island Jin must forgo the teachings of the samurai and become something more. A "Ghost" as they say. I love the story from start to finish.

Now let's talk about gameplay which is going to be the main topic of the discussion. This game plays a lot like any open world game. You have markers and each markers will lead you to a story beat. You settle the story and then get experince points where you use to buy upgrade points. It's basically that in a nutshell. The map is huge with 3 different regions. The maps have settlements that are occupied by mongols and you need to liberate them. Them oment you liberate them you will gain the fast travel to the area. What makes this game unique is that there is not HUD display on screen. Usually with most open world game there is a map where they will show where is your next objective. This game however has a minimal UI system. To find out where you have to go. You just have to swipe up on the controller and  the wind will take you to the direction on where do you want to go. I find that this system makes playing the game very immersive. The villages are the source of you upgrading your weapons, sub weapons and armor. You only have 2 main weapons which is your katana and your smaller knife for assisnations. To upgrade it you must collect
their in game currencies which consist of supplies, bamboo, wood, leather, iron, silk. The numbers are abitiary but a certain amount will nap you the upgrade. Along the journey you will also get a lot of different armor sets. Which its its own unique properties, like more damage better health or stealth. If you can maintain a no hit combo for 7 kills you will unlock like god mode where you can one hit kill 3 people. There aer 4 types of enemies and combat consists of 4 types of stances.  Each  stance is suitable for a particular enemy (sword, shield, staff and brute) and this makes you have to change strategy when confronting with multiple enemies that surround you. The game doesn't have a lock on system but it seems to know where to attack next.I find that amazing. I've played more than 50 hours in and I am not stlll not sure how the combat can be so engaging and still fun. There are also some stealth sections to the game and sometimes you need to be quiet so that you won't be overwhlemed by a horde of enemies 

There is only one thing I don't like about this game that is you can skip a particular cut scene. You have to see it through. I get it that it's to preserve the story but some of the stories I do find a bit too boring a tedious. Other than that are just nitpicks I guess. Your skill tree ends but you will still have more upgrade points to be used. I also forgot there is an online factor in this game but I didn't play it since this game is really outdated and therre is no one playing at the servers and it's kind of a rouge lite mode. Nohting to interesting  Some of clothes suck and the color options also doesn't help. Everything else about this game is a masterpiece. I am glad that I played this game 3 years in after everyone has played this. This game is best experince without anybody giving ideas in yopur head on what the game is supposed to be. 

Overall Ghost of Tsushima is a great game and really this will be my game of the year if a certain robot didn't come thiis year as well (more on that later in the months). Next I will review the DLC. Overall this game is an S-Rank for me.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week 36 - Bought an exercise machine

Going back to vacation and this week me and wife are starting our 3 week diet. I need to make sure to control her diet and plus I bought a bike. So I have 3 months to see how much we can improve on her. We can do this. Its a long journey but consistency is the key 

Sept 1
• Went to the mall with H2 and wife. There is an independence day sale so wife and H2 bought stuff for themselves
• Pick up maid to clean up the house

Sept 2
• My idiot brother in law wife came back today. So I thought she would stay for at least a week and I was wrong. What makes me more annoying is that my wife is manipulated by her mother in law. I don't like how my wife is always manipulated in doing stuff

Sept 3
• Went shopping for H2 stationary
• The school emailed and said that school will start next week. So yay

Sept 4
• Cooked something new today. Stuffed mushrooms and Spanish in cream cheese
• Brother in law wife came back after a day saying all the nasty stuff to my family. My mom in law just took her back due to the baby.

Sept 5
• Made some pumpkin soup today. It was yummy
• Went to the mall to buy and exercise equipment. I want to get a treadmill but wife’s need are first so I got an incumbent bike. It’s less stress on the joints

Sept 6
• Got my limited edition Astro Bot controller from Sony. Now need to wait for my best friend to get me the game.

Sept 7
• Lazy Saturday. Awesome
• Finish Ghost of Tsushima. Review probably next week.

Next week H2 will actually start school and the routine will finally start back. Other than that I have nothing much waiting on the horizon.

The Fall Guy

The unsung hero of every movie. The stunt guy

What is it about?
A retired stuntman comes back to reunite with her long lost love and solve a mystery at the same time 

The Good
The stunts. All stunts looks dangerous and complicated and its a spectacle to look at 
The actors have good chemistery with each other. 
The story is a bit funny 

The Bad
The movie is a bit too long where it could have ended 30 minutes earlier 

The Ugly
Nothing much

After Credits: Yes

Verdict: If you like comedy and lots of action. This is a must watch 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The West Wing Season 3

So far is it going great

New Cast: They added the wife to the mix but after 13 episode she was kind of missing from the show. Only mention by name

This season: The White House is trying to avoid allegations of lying. Relection and then there is the threat to CJ life

Agent Gibbs: Well we get to see Mark Harmon before he got the role as NCIS agent. He plays a secret service agent which had a very sad ending in the end. 

Ending: It didn't end in a cliffhanger. The first and last episodes were bookends. The first it was about the 9/11 attacks and the last was real life interviews of people who worked in the West Wing 

The Contestant

Earliest form of livestreaming 

What is it about?
There was a reality show about a man trying to survive with nothing but by the winnings of mail in contest 

The Good
The story is engaging and yet sad at the same time 

The Bad
The amount of mental torture that this person endure. But this is a documentary so it is great to see him rise up to occatoin

The Ugly
Japanese people are okay witht his kinds of explotation. I don't know why

After Credits: No

Verdict: It's an interesting watch. This days it's common to do this. But during the old time this was consider something cruel 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

FBI Most Wanted Season 5

 The best among the FBI series 

Missing faces: Gains is gone. I liked here. But Nina is also nice

This season: Mostly is about relationships. People losing and gaining new relaionships. Nina has baby but thats about it

Can join anytime: Minus their personal lives. You actually can go and watch at any moment in time. The episodes are all stand alone and some of the cases are really interesting.

Verdict: Another year, another FBI. Knowing the producer. I have a feeling that this sis going to be a 20 season series 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Week 35 - Vacation time

This week the whole family went for a vacation. It was an awesome experince. But it ended with a sad thing where we had to say goodbye to the baby. But it didn't effect me. But everyone was sad.

Aug 25
• Mom came back from her hometown
• Mom treat me to eat all you can eat Malaysian food. • • The food choices were plenty and I ate too much so now I feel sick.
• Wife was annoyed at H1 since she keeps pushing her tasks to H2. Wife didn't have it so she gave a long text on how selfish H1 is. Everything with her is just take take take and never give. I am sad that I thought I thought H1 to be a good person but sometimes she becomes to spoilt. I hope there is ime to do better.
• Finished classes this month 270 classes. A new record.

Aug 26
• My brother had a meeting around the area so I decided to invite him for an early dinner. We ate at my favorite burger joint and I got 2 free burgers because I have lots of points with them
• We had a heart to heart about a lot of things. Family, work, life, investment. I could talk to him forever. It’s sad we can’t see each other anymore due to his busy work schedule and he is 4 states away. But it’s all good

Aug 27 (Memorable)
• After classes this morning we are packed and off to Penang for a 3 day 2 night vacation. We had to leave a bit late due that H1 got a computerise car examination going on
• The person was late to pick up H1 so in the end I just send her and she did it in 15 mins (test was 45 mins). She got 47/50.
• We left close to 11:30 and the drive took 5 hours 40 mins due to stopping for lunch and petrol and toilet breaks. The traffic was okay. But the best part is that since school holidays start next week
• The hotel was amazing. They upgrade the kids room due to it being so far from us. We got the deluxe room. But by the time we arrived at 5pm the water park was closed. So the girls say let’s stay one more day so we can go tomorrow. I said sure.
• At night we had some takeaway food with cake at night. Overall a good vacation

Aug 28
• Today we woke up early for buffet breakfast. Buffet breakfast was amazing. I think I ate a lot
• Back to room to get ready to go to the water park only to realised that it’s close today for maintenance.
• So we slept until 1pm and at 2-4pm we went to the pool. The pool was empty since there was no one around
• After that we got ready at night and went to eat outside the town. The food was okay. Nothing to special. Tomorrow heading to the island

Aug 29
• McDonald’s breakfast after I did my morning class and went to the gym.
• Pack and left at 11am to the island. We straight went to Penang Hill.
• Penang Hill was a long train. I think the last time I went there was when I was 3. A lot has change and now the train was faster. Took some beautiful pictures and then went down.
• Went to eat at the famous Nasi Kandar place that was at a busy intersection. Food was okay but wife got tummy ache
• Went to our airbnb. It was like a gaming quest where I need to solve a lot of riddles and codes to get in
• The apartment was awesome. An arcade, karaoke machine and board games and a 90 inch screen
• Went for dinner with my aunt and uncle. They took us to a one star Michelin restaurant that serve Pernakan food. The food was delicious. Would come again.
• Back home and my friend gave me work. So now doing it while H1 and H2 and wife are singing songs
• Sleep time at 12:50am. Tomorrow going home

Aug 30
• Today is going home day. We packed our bags. Played a couple round of foosball. Return back the key and went to my uncle house
• Uncle is treating us some nasi kandar before we go for the long journey
• H1 and me always order the lamb shank when we someone is treating us lunch.
• We left my uncle house around 1pm and left Penang. The journey was smooth but I was sleepy due to the food. So I had to stop twice. The second stop I had some ice cream and I took a nap
• Arrived home close to 8pm after having some dinner
• Overall it was a great vacation. Kids had fun. I had great food. Overall would do this again

Aug 31
• Today is class back to normal. I had to do loads of laundry and accidentaly washed H1 cleaned clothes. My bad
• Wife told me that Brother in law and his wife had a big fight and the wife called her siblings and htey ask to take the baby away. So after lunch we went to my mom in law house and everyone was sad. People were crying. I did kiss the baby goodbye. My bet is that after a week she realised that she is not living the posh life so she will ask to come back.

Next week it back to school week. yay....

Star Soldier Vanishing Earth

A good Nintendo 64 game

Game no: 528
Genre: Shooter 
Platform: Nintendo 64
Release Date: 1998

This is a simple on rails shooter where you just avoid some bullets and fight the boss. What makes this a great game because it is really simple and they have a easy mode for beginners. Which makes it for an enjoyable experince. You can beat the game since they gave you like a lot of lives and usually these type of shooters I would like to watch what is the end of it. So This game deserve a good A-Rank in my books.