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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day 113: Had lunch with my best friend

Today at work I was visited by my longtime friend from Johor. He was on long leave so he decided to drop by for lunch and also drop my lego. So we had lunch with two other colleagues of ours. (Backstory: my best friend used to work at the same company a couple years back. Only those who stayed longer than 5 years will know him, which is not that many) . So there we were. Then the girl ask me how come we are best friends

Me: because I can tolerate his bullshit and he can tolerate mine. So we work together.

I kinda of think is my laid back personality. The lunch went on till 230 after that my teammate got a call from our boss saying that he was late for a meeting...  

In other news, the government decided to hike up the highway toll rates. So it's not an extra $4 coming and going to work. Sigh...

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