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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Week 34 - It's my birthday week. Awesome

This is my brithday week. I am going to turn 40 which is going to be a different chapter in my life. A lot of things I want to do but I don't have the money to do it. So I am going to work hard for it. I am so blessed with wonderful friends and family who loves me 

Aug 18
• Today went to register H1 for her university. Since wife is working there. We get 50% off which is great.
H1 made me upset by breaking my heart. I was trying to make going to the university happy since this is was not her first choice. She was ungrateful and complaining. Really spoiled my mood
• Ate some arabic food (which is the least favorite of my food) and went home to rest a bit
• Went back out to the mall. Promise H1 that we get a TV for her room. But after shopping around we found a cheap tv is not that great. So we decided to get a bigger 65' tv and gave her our old 55' tv.
• I also bought the new Astro Bot Limited Edition Dualsense controller since it looks cool

Aug 19
• I made beef fried rice today
• I can't send H1 to see her friend due to needing picking up my mom. So I send her to her friends house.
I told H1 off that her behavior yesterday was uncalled for. I hope that she understand and change
• When I wanted to pick up H1. The car wouldn't start. It turns out that the battery is dead. So H1 friend's mom helped send her. I had to call for a battery replacement which cost 285. Good thing mom was here.

Aug 20 🎂
• My best friends birthday. Ordered them some fake AirPods. Should arrived by tomorrow
• They were feeling down so I ordered them the same cake I ordered last 2 years. Snickers salted caramel. They are 40 and I pray nothing but the best for them

Aug 21
• H1 friends (wife’s students) came to bring her out to the city. The played some videogames first and left together with us and H2.
• After sending them to the train station we went to pick up wife’s medicine and went to the mall
• Saw a kid fell 6 feet of a bouncy toy head first. Wife froze and screamed.
• Ate some Japanese rice. Food was good and service was slow
• H1 got home early. Everyone was tired. So we bought food and decided to stay over there.

Aug 22

• H1 friends are still here the whole day. And the guy is really starting to get on my wife's and I nerves. Wife ask H1 if she wants a friend to go for a holiday and she got angry at the wife. Wife was sad and really H1 is really driving up my nerves.
• Its going to be raining heavility the whole week. So far this evening the city has partly flooded so it is going to happen again soon.

Aug 23
• Today I made some butter chicken
• Last day as 39 years old
• My best friend came to sing early happy birthday to me. They said they couldn't wait until midnight since they knew I would be sleeping. They were right.

Aug 24 🎂 (Memorable)
• Today is my brithday. I am officially 40. Got wished by everyone that matters in my life and then some people overseas. I am truly blessed
• Had lunch at a very expensive Japanese restaurant with the girls. I ordered a lot of sushi, beef belly curry ramen which was delicious and sashimi.
• After that went for a short break at in laws
• Ended up the day at our usual mall. The kids bought me very expensive underwear and wife bought me a shirt. Before we left I have two scoops of ice cream which I think was a bit too much. I am 40 now and going forward in the next 10 years. I am going to try to live my life to the fullest and probably travel more

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