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Monday, August 5, 2024

Week 31 - Best week yet

Lots of things happen this week and it is all good things. This was a great week. Not sure if I can replicate this but take thi 

Jul 28

• Send mom back to the hotel
• Wife cooked
• Played videogames with the girls. I won Mario Kart 3 times.

Jul 29
• Brought H1 to check up on her sweaty hands. It is a condition called hyper hydrosis. The sad part is that there is no cure. There is a jab that she can take. It cost a lot and it is not permanent. Only lasting a couple of months. So we are trying to find cream for it first.

Jul 30
• Wife and MIL decided to do an impromtu holiday today. Which means I have to cancel my classes since I do not know the setup of the place. They decided to book a villa by the ocean
• We left home at 2pm and arrive close to 3pm. Checked in and straight away went to the pool. It turns out my idiot BIL is also here. Which sucks since I know I will have to be in charge of everything
• Pool time with the family was great. It has been a while since we all are at the pool.
• In the evening the kids were hungry as well at the in laws. So I had to go find food. This area doesn't have that many food choices but I found one that was cheap. The food was edible but that was it
• My old friend gave a job to do and I can charge per hour. Which is awesome since I charge 50 per hour. While the kids were watching a movie on netflix I did some work till midnight which I didn't finish it as well. So continue tomorrow

Jul 31 (memorable)
• Wake up, did more work. Did a class with my favorite student.
• After work went skinny dipping in the pool with wife. Did some awesome moves that we could check off the list
• Packed and went home
• H1 got a date with some boys so I dropped her off at the mall and pick her back up at 10pm

And there you have it. June is over. Lost money again but really I have myself to blame. So this is I’m going to try to look at it as a great month since it’s my birthday. So be happy

Aug 1
• Wife follow up. Just getting more medicine
• Spring cleaning the house. A lot of stuff are going to be recycled

Aug 2
• Got close to 45kg of recycle and I only got like $3. that's dissapointing
• H1 is going to the city by train with wife's student. I had 6 girls in the car. It looks like a clown car
• The students eventually sleeps over the house. They cooked dinner.
• I was tired for driving too much.

Aug 3 (memorable)
• Today my cousin's son is getting married and my mom ask me drive 90km away to the wedding. I didn't want to go but mom has gave me a task so I have to say yes
• Arrived there and my cousins are there. Not all of them but the ones are there are the best ones to talked too. I catch up with them and just update about life.
• Driving home I got a called from my best friend. They were not feeling well. They say it's probably hormonal but I just they are not happy with their life. I got a good 90 mins plus to talk to them
• Wife and the students are at the mall going for karoke. I get to do class (not before the house blacked out just before I get to do class). Pick up wife and go home and bought some food
• The girls cooked and then at 11pm we played Gin Rummy. The last time I played this with was 3 plus years and it was a hoot. We were laughing non stop and I slept at 1am. And wake up at 430am for classes. Unforgettable

Next week no idea. But lets just make the best of it

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