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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Week 32 - Played Cards for 8 hours

It has beena while since we played Gin Rummy. I think the last time was 3 plus yars ago with my family. I had a really great time playing it with wife student. But we really can't do that again. It is not feasable 

Aug 4 (memorable)

• Today is Mama birthday. She is 70. If she gets to 100 that will be Alhamdulillah. But here is to another 70 more years
• The students were supposed to leave but ended up sleeping in. Had lunch and then played cards from 12-5
• After 5 H1 cooked some olio and the students made some dessert
• Wife cousin came and brought some pizza and cakes.
• Played more cards until 1030 where the cousin send her home

Aug 5
• Everyone is suffering from after party hangovers. Everyone is tired including me
• Bought a new laser printer. The brand is called Pantum (apparently they make industrial printers from China) the difference is that, this printer is wifi enabled.

Aug 7
• Did a lot of errands for wife today so I didn't get to cook.
• H1 friend came to visit. She is going to stay for 3 days.
• The hacker friend continues to harras me for money. Now she thinks she is talking to my lawyer and I keep saying no. I feel very libertrated by saying no. What if she really needs the rest of the $580 and we can get the money. Well then is my loss. So I am okay with that. I have made peace with myself not getting the money

Aug 8
• Wife got lots of errands so we drop H2 to her friend house and send H1 and her friend to the mall
• Eat some steak and chicken chop with ox tail soup. It was delicious
• Pick up the girls and came home around 7. I mmade some roasted chicken with cream mushroom with some smahed potatoes

Aug 9
• H1 friend has sports training at school. Wife and H1 has dentist appointment
• Went to claim my free birthday burger
• Rained heavilty. The sleep was awesome.

Aug 10
• Went to the tailors with H2
• Just went for a stroll at the mall • The hacker girl finally gave up and say she wants to find the money herself and then will contact me once she has the money. So that ends my journey for trying to be rich. It was a good run but it is okay. You live and learn I guess. Overall I am happy that I tried and I think if I have the money I would do it again

Another good week. There were a couple funny moments. Moments I can't put in the blog because is it between me and my wife. That one will just be in our memory banks. Next week mom is coming. Other than that it is just business as usual

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