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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Week 33 - The cats got deflea this week

 Another okay week. So far nothing much to complain. Met my uncle .Which is fun. August has been a quiet month which I love. I get to play a lot of Ghost of Tsushima which is great.

Aug 11
• Ate some mexican food. The shop is just like 5 minutes from the house
• Went to MIL to see the baby
• Bought a new matress for H2 sleepover tomorrow

Aug 12
• H2 friends came over to sleep
• Did work from 430am until 10pm. Didn't stop. Granted I did play some games in the middle but I didn't get my nap
• Bought a new cat cage
• Went to eat at my favourtie fried chicken spot. Without the kids.

Aug 13 (memorable)
• Today is Results day for H1. She got 2A* 5A 1B. The B is for art which we thought is was already a shoe in for A. We are happy but she is sad since she wants 4*. After an hour of trying to convince her everything is okay. She finally was okay
• Went out to eat korean food and ice cream
• H2 friends left. They baked cookies yesterday. They all look the same which is really funny
• I finally decided to start my 10 year plan to save money to retire.

Aug 14

• Mom is here
• I got a burst of energy which is awesome
• Dad in law is here. He gave H1 money for all the A’s
• Washed moms car

Aug 15

• Went to an art gallery with the girls and mama. Mama’s best friend is doing an art gallery called Macro photo paintings. Basically small paintings where he took pictures of it. It was very interesting and in the end we were guessing what was the items made off. Since he uses everyday items such as, copper wire, sugar, toothpaste and oil. And make it into a small canvas

Aug 16

• Wife is feeling down today. 😔
• Registered H1 for a car license finally. She start tomorrow

Aug 17

• H1 did her driving license. Today is a 6 hours course.
• Send all the 4 cats to get deflea. Creamy had to be lion cut because his flea was quite bad. The rest of the cat family just got deflea and vaccinned. Patches was being a diva as always by being as loud as possible. But they were not doing anything
• Bought Chinese food and send mom to the hotel. Rained heavily
• Wife's students (the girls) came to hang out and play cards. I won the last game

Next week will be my Birthday Week. I am going to be 40. This is going to be fun I hope.

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