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Monday, March 25, 2019


A game where you don't need to fight

Image result for undertale start screen

Game no: 322
Genre: RPG
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: 2018 (Originally 2015)
Factory Sealed: 94

What is it about?
A boy wake up in the underworld and needs to make his way to real world

What I liked?
The turned battle system is one of unique things about the gameplay. The attack system is a mixed of bullet hell as well rhythm timing
The dialogue is fun and interesting. The story starts slow but slowly build up to the finale. Great writing
The puzzles are easy which is great for me
You actually need to beat the game without killing anyone to get the true ending. I didn't know that but I guess the game is design for a second playthrough
The final boss does a number on your switch

What I didn't liked?
The slow paced level up system. The game slowly ramps up your level.
The lack of items (or I didn't find any) to aid you in your quest. The more I look at it, the gameis design with less items in mind.
Some bossess are extreamly hard. The finally boss is way overpowered

Status: Played the game for 230minutes. Finish at level 18. Got the bad ending

Fun Factor: A great game to play. But would recommend to read the walkthroguh first before proceeding

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