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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Depression on how it effect you

This is a story about depression. It effects millions of people and it’s a silent killer. I thankfully don’t suffer from it but my wife does. It’s been hard for me to handle her attacks since there is nothing much you can do besides being there for her. People who feel depress has something trapped inside of them that they couldn’t get out. My wife is seeing a therapist and she has friends to talk to. She rarely talk to me about her problems stating that I would not understand. Maybe I just don’t but I worry. I fell helpless everytime she is crying for help, her hands are trembling, she is screaming from inside. But I can’t do anything. I can’t solve depression. I can’t cure it. The most I can do is be there for her. I feel angry not to the fact that my wife is acting this way but the fact that this condition takes a toll on her, makes her feel week and everyone around her feeling sad. I wish it would go away... but I have to stay strong for her... At least by writing this down I can a certain sense of stability left in my brain.

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