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Friday, October 15, 2021

Weekly review (Week 41)

October 8 😊🥰

Today I fried some chicken marinated from yesterday and the rest I bought. That was enough for both lunch and dinner. Oh I beat Metroid Dread like at 6am in the morning. The ending was epic. After that finish Toem a nice palette cleanser after the face pace action. Overall it was a great friday. Played some uno with the girls which I won one game and started on Art of Rally.  

October 9 😊🥵

Today it’s a weekend so I didn’t feel like cooking. I bought lunch at two different places. We had a dinner invitation by my dad in law. So I had to buy a macadamia cheesecake. We left at 4pm and it took an hour. I came there and I was task to cook some fried rice. I finally met my new nephew. He is already 8 months older and extremely heavy 😅. The BBQ started in the evening. The problem was that the chicken wasn’t pre cooked so the chicken was charred on the outside but it wasn’t cooked on the inside. We ordered some pizza as well. The BBQ went great. We were supposed to stay at my dad in law house but there wasn’t room for the girls. So at 11:30pm we went home and arrive close after midnight. Slept after 1am 

October 10 😊🥰

Today for lunch H1 grilled some burgers. My friend came to the house to get my switch joycons. To change with his animal crossing joycons. Which is awesome. I took a nap due to being tired. In the evening went to my mom in laws house ans then went to the mall to had dinner. They just announce that tomorrow the country lockdown will be lifted and everyone can cross the states. So the girls aunt is coming home soon 

October 11 😊😢

Today I didn’t cook because wife wants chicken rice so I just go buy that at the shop. For dinner we bought some bread and eggs and ate some instant noodles. Wife was not feeling good, she has been vomiting the whole day. So I brought her to the clinic to get meds. When I came back home it turns out that the clinic gave me the wrong meds so I had to drive back to the clinic to get the proper meds. Overall I got home close to 11pm and took a shower and went to bed. Tiring day 

October 12 😊🥰

Today I decided to make seafood chowder. I went to groceries and bought all the stuff. I made it for lunch with some garlic bread. It tasted good. Other than that my day was spend playing some games and watching tv. You know the usual stuff. Wife decided to go out with her friend so I had the whole house to myself for 3 hours in the evening

October 13 😊🥰

Today I decided to make more garlic bread and then call the vet. Since patches was bloodied yesterday. Turns out that if he act weird than I should bring him to the vet. So I spend the day playing art of rally and watching the office. In the evening did some gardening and it was super tired and at night at some leftovers with the family. Overall it was a good day.

October 14 😊😓

Today I decided to cook some curry chicken with tempeh and some veggies. Spend the day playing some switch. My switcher arrived and I need a shorter hdmi cable. In the evening I brought the girls out to the bookstore and then help H1 clean the game room since my mom is coming down and it’s a mess. Got a call from my mom in law saying that she is coming and bringing my brother in law and wants me to entertain him. It turns out that my brother in law is too much for her since being on house arrest (basically he can’t leave the house) so he needs some entertainment. They left close to 11pm and I was super exhausted 

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