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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Captain Commando

It turns out it's actually a beat em up

Genre: Action (Beat em up)
Platform: SNES 

Image result for captain commando snes

Difficulty: Hard (even on easy) 

What is it about: You got from area to area and mow down bad guys. 

What's great: 
- Choose from 4 different commandos (Ninja, Mummy, Baby??, Captain)
- Each commando comes with its own special move. The mummy is the best since he does a helicopter rotation 
- Fighting is fast paced and head on 
- If you die you can continue straight from where you left off 

What's not so great:

- You only get two life's and the bosses are very cheap. You'll often die a lot 
- To amp up the challenge, everytime they used their special, you will lose a life. 
- The water stsge is not that great. It breaks you.

Music: So-so
Status: Finish the game but lost to the last boss
Should you play this game: No, I never understand the concept of beat en up. The game is a little bit of fun 

Fun Factor: A great way to waste your time 

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