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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Castlevania Circle of the Moon

Where castlevania meets Heartstone

Game no: 159
Genre: Action (Metriodvania)
Platform: GBA

What's is it about?
Nathan graves the next inline to become the vampire hunter travel to Dracula's castle to destroy him

Game consists of: 
- RPG elements 
- Exploration 
- Level grinding 
- Combat 
- Card combinations

What's good:
- The dual set up system (DSS) which give 100 different combinations that effects Nathan
- The castle enemies changes depending on your current level
- Level up is fun...
- There a dark souls like battle arena which sucks all your MP out... That's hard 

What's bad:
- Controls are a bit tank like
- You can't beat the final boss unless you are level 50 and above 
- It gets difficult to level up after you reach 50
- the last two DSS cards are harderst to get 

Status: Beat the game at 97.5% and at level 56

Score: Worth to be played at least once 

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