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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Week 24 - Road trip

This week the only thing that happen that was consider noteworthy was the road trip. It was fun and yet tiring. I probably want to do it again.

Jun 11

• Busy day today getting everything ready for tomorrow trip.
• H1 had chemistry. 1 more paper to go. Sad couldn’t be there for her last paper

Jun 12

• Left late at 11am. Went to pick up wife colleague first because we are going out of state of a educational exhibition. I am strictly there as the driver and as well as tech support. Trip was smooth sailing. Funny enough I was okay since I only had a couple hours of sleep. Arrive to the state and went to see wife's friend. She showed us around her university. The area we went to is a university city. It is basically a city that revolves around a lot of universities. After the tour we had lunch and then we settle down at her husband's homestay. The homestay was small and cozy but it doesn't have any good phone reception. I did a couple of classes and set up the switch since we are using that for the exhibition tomorrow
• At night we had dinner with her family. Another family that we met during our time in New Zealand was there as well. Had a good time hanging out
• Father in Law came to take care of the kids

Jun 13

• H1 last paper. She finally finished High School
• Today was our presentation. We came very at 8am at the hall to set up. Our booth was so popular. A lot of people come to play the game. We even manage to sell some of Hana paintings. The event ended by 5pm. We stayed just in case we won anything. We won silver medal. Left the state around 530pm and arrived back home close to 1030pm since we stopped a lot.

June 15

• Sister in Law came for a short visit
• We had to tell wife that her brother in law is up to no good again. That idiot stole 300,000 dollars and now it's on the run. What makes matters worse is that my Mother in Law is enabling him. I really hate my mother in law. I honestly want to tell her off... I've been waiting for the day to do that but out of respect of my wife I've been holding it off. But mark my words if she wasn't in the picture I would really let loose. • Fasting today for Arafah day

So that all that happen. Very low key. Love it. Next week will be Eid again. But other than that no idea what it is in store next.

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