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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Week 23 - Finish Super Mario Wonder

 Yes as the title said. I finish a switch game. That was my greatest achievement. That and seeing my best friend. 

Jun 2
• Today wife cousin came and make some Sarawak Laksa.
• Ate some Chinese Food which is great

Jun 3 (memorable)
• Today I picked up my best friend from the airport. They were supposed to arrive by 740am but due to some delays I had to park my car and waited until 920am. They look so tired due to 38 hours travelling time. I send them home. They gave me some gifts for the family.

Jun 4 (unmemorable)
• I was having a toothache since yesterday night but today it was so painful I had to go to the dentist. They said that gums are inflamed due to food stuck on my wisdom teeth. So they cleaned my teeth and said it would be better by two weeks. Hopefully
• My wife said that me asking from intimacy every time is stressing her out and she did it because she doesn’t want to see me in a bad mood. Sigh… So going forward I think I need to be happy with the status quo. And I know that one day things will change
• H1 sold 80 out of 100 postcard size paintings. She made a good 400 bucks

Jun 5
• H1 has physics paper today. 2 more left
• I made shepherds pie for dinner

Jun 6
• Today H2 is having her graduation. She has to wear black and white and wear mortar board. She is happy and I am happy as well.

Jun 8
• Pick up mom from airport. She has a trip to Indonesia. We treated us to some lamb biryani
• Got home and had an open house in front of the house. Was great to get to know the neighbors.

So next week is going to be a busy week. Wife has a conference across state lines. So.. road trip. But I am trying to see if I can do more classes 

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