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Friday, July 1, 2022

Day 8: Made some new friends

Well the morning routine now starts with washing. Manage to call my best friend even with the time difference. After that during breakfast time we were join by another couple. Me being the friendly as I ever at got to chatting and got his number. After that we down with wife for some shopping. Had some chicken and rice for lunch and most of the day was just hanging out until it was after Asar and it was time to go to the mosque. This time we didn’t bring our own wheelchair instead we just borrowed from the office. While I was pushing her to the streets a couple of people offered to take my place when they see me so sweaty and tried. Alhamdulilah since every help is welcome. We now love to go to the extension since it’s a newer building and there are always seats. At in front of my time there was another person I ended up talking to and got his number. He was very passionate about home automation which I find interesting. The key for a good first impression is always look like you are interested even though you have no clue what are they talking about. After isyak we went out and tried to find the way to the Kaabah. We finally found it and did our prayers there. The journey home was a slow one. Because I am super tired but we manage too low through. We bought some food from the chicken place near our hotel and had dinner. When I arrive to my room everyone was already sleeping. I did some laundry and then clean myself up before retiring after midnight. 

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