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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Day 20: Hajj is complete

Waking up today I did more laundry. It seems like it never ends. My wife wanted to try something new so we tried some paratha and naan for the local Pakistani shop with an assortment of curries. The only curry that is worth taking is the goat curry. The rest taste a bit watery. After Zohor prayers I decided to finish of my Hajj by finishing the tawaf of 7 around a and saie of 3.5km. Since I’m doing this solo, I can walk at a faster pace. I arrived at the kaabah at around 2pm and it took me 3:20lm. After that I made my way to the Saie area. It took me 5-6 minutes to walked from one end of one end. Had to take a break after the 5 cycle due to the fact it was Asar prayers. It turns out that they just pray on the saie floor while making a small room for others to walk. Around 4pm my Hajj was complete. I left the mosque and made my way to the mall to buy some celebratory donuts for everyone else and ice cream (mango and caramel). While walking slowly back to my hotel I slowly reflected on my life. Every small decision and thing that happen have led me here. I am super thankful that I got invited to come here. I hope that my Hajj is accepted and I get Hajj Mabrur (highest form of acceptance) but it’s a ongoing thing to get that so yeah. It’s a process. So that’s about it my Hajj journey is done. I have to go one more time for my wife since she is still in her period. Oh and I shave my head bald now. 

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