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Monday, July 11, 2022

Day 13: Busy packing

Today after doing the laundry as always I went and did some packing for the day we are leaving which is on Day 15. Other than that the day is mostly just praying and reading Quran and mostly just hanging out. I have nothing much to talk about because nothing much happens in the half of the day. I can probably talk about my housemates. I am with my uncle and his son. They are a private bunch and I really don’t talk to them that much only the occasional topic. The other 3 roommates are in a group together. They use to be teachers and now 2/3 works in admin while the other one is a principle in a school. I like him. I talk a lot with him. He has a lot of stories to tell which makes the room less quiet. Other than that I made friends everytime I have lunch alone outside. Got a couple of numbers. So far 3 but all of them are very friendly. So that’s about it I guess before the big day. Nothing much to do but just take it easy and pray everything will be smooth sailing. Insya allah 

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