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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Day 12: What a busy day

Wake up early by my housemates so I head to the surau to pray. After that went down to do some shopping and get some breakfast. Slept again until 8 and then during Zohor. I met a new friend who invited me to go pray at a mosque nearby. It was a mosque that is run by Bangladeshi. After that I waited for him to come out and we saw someone peddling arabic watermelon. Looks good but too bad we don’t have a knife. Came back and took a short nap and then asar at the surau again. In the evening at 9pm there is going to be a briefing on the Hajj day itself that is compulsory to attend. So dinner which was fish again was okay but I’ve been eating alone at the back of the room. I made friends with another couple whom were eating pizza. They offered me two slices of it. We exchange phone numbers as well. After maghrib and isyak on my own floor we went down to hear the briefing. The briefing was 2+ hours long and there were a lot of things that we know. Like there is going to be busses taking us systematically from the hotel to Arafah. The distance to throwing is 9.5km and I can’t bring my wife wheelchair. The good news is that she can appoint me to throw on behalf of her. So that’s something. Came back to the room had a shower and did some laundry. So it’s midnight now and I need to get a couple hours of sleep before subuh. 

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