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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Day 23: I am now a Travel Agent

Well today is Friday so that means it’s Friday prayers. Due to the haram mosque is going to be on lockdown at 10. I went there by 845. I reach there at 930 and just sit down and read the Quran until it was time to pray. After prayers I went to McDonald’s to get lunch. We’ve been eating rice for a while I started to get bored of it. It was a mistake getting McDonald during this time. The crowd was massive and the queue was long. I plough through away. Beside me there was a crowd of Africans (not sure from which country) waiting for free food. Once the free food arrived it was a frenzy and people were fighting for it. Some of the food ended up on the floor and we can hear people all wailing. I got my food and left. Had lunch with wife and then I had to play travel agent to the trip that was supposed to be a small group turns out the be a group of 100+ people are going. I need to answer text. Get money and do some paperwork. Really didn’t sign up for it but everyone else didn’t volunteer. Oh well. Dinner time they serve squid but I took some instant noodles instead. Really have no mood for rice. I am not going to sleep. Good night 

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