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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Day 29: a relaxing day (NOTtttt)

Well after yesterdays trip today it’s just me relaxing at the hotel. So just did some laundry. Prayed, and just hang out in the room doing relaxing stuff. Oh and today we just announce another trip I’ll be in charge of handling which is a muzium trip. This time it cost 110 riyal per person and space are limited. This time we also need to go with an actual tour company so this is very legit stuff. So today is the day I have to collect 110 per person. Do their paperwork and submit it to the travel organisers. Man it was a hectic day. I couldn’t even take a moment to rest. People were texting me left and right and as well knocking on my door. In the end I just make sure that I stop everything by 10pm on the day so I could sleep. I was so tired that I didn’t even realise when I fall asleep. Good thing this is the last trip I’ve organised 

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