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Monday, July 11, 2022

Day 16: Arafah, Muazalifah, Mina

Today is a tale is an interesting and yet horrifying one. So woke in the morning and the serve us arabic style Nasi lemak. So I just found out that in Saudi chillis are very expensive. So instead they serve us with chilli sauce. Who eats rice with chilli sauce. Not me. Oh and they have jumbo size eggs and that was my first egg after 2 weeks of being here. Did the usual stuff before praying and then after zohor it was  the day of Arafah. This is where Allah is the closest to us and we pray and ask what we want. I hope all of what I ask come true. I would really love that. After 6 they announced that it is time to move to Muazalifah and stay there for a while until 11:45pm. We were bus 24 so it took them forever to come. We finally made the bus at around 9:20pm. My last meal dinner was at 6 and that was going to be a while since i eaten anything. Came to muadzalifah and just sat there. Some people gather pebbles because these pebbles are going to be used to throw against the wall tomorrow. So while we were waiting I talked to some friends. Wife wasn’t feeling to good due to the heat. I manage to get some sleep for a couple minutes. Suddenly wife was complaining that she is having trouble breathing. At first she didn’t want me to get help but after I saw here gasping for air I rush to find help in a sea of 14000 people. I found the person in charge and told them of the situation. They immediately say that my wife needs to be transport ASAP and I need to carry all bags by myself. We rushed to the bus with the medical stuff since it was going to leave soon and then wife started vomiting before entering the bus. Everyone and me was in a state of panic. They eventually get her on the bus and we made our way through. Came to the camp at Mina and she was taken to the clinic. I took our bags and find our places to stay. I stayed at J053 which is close to the exit but near to the mosque. While she is at D056. The distance from us is quite far from each other but I can walk. In my camp my area there were no beds expect for one. I claim that bed as my own and went to proceed and complain to the people in charge to get beds for my friends. But it didn’t happen. By the time they arrive the beds are still not there. It took them a while but eventually they got the beds. I checked up one last time at the clinic and saw my wife on her IV drip sleeping. So I head back to the tent to try to sleep only to realised that subuh is like 40 minutes away. Sue for me being super tired I slept anyway. Close to subuh I hear the call to prayer and had to queue super far to get ablution and then pray at the mosque which is just next door to the camp which is good. Came back to the camp and start to sleep… I’ll continue day 2 later  

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