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Monday, July 11, 2022

Day 15: Journey to Arafah

I’m sleepy but I want to write this before I go to sleep. Wake up as usual and by 10am we are in our ihram to go down the lift. Due to wife bringing her wheelchair, we get to go down early. They gave us a very fancy bus. Alhamdulilah. The journey was fast. Only 45 minutes. We got to our camp. After segregation of the men and woman. We get to our tent. Unfortunately someone took our spot which was close to the Aircond so we had to just bunk wherever we can. I manage to still sleep beside one of my roommates so I’m thankful. But to make matters worse the Aircond in our text was not working so we were all sweating and baking in our own heat. After solat the group decide to go find another place outside the shade to rest since it’s colder out there. I went in search of water. I found some but it was scares. It keeps on finishing due to a lot of people are thirsty. I manage to find some and share it with my group. I slept on the chair outside because I was too tired. After that I decided it’s time to go inside. When we came inside there were water fans so that cool the tent a bit. Even though not much. We had dinner which was great and then solat. We hear some sermon from the imam and then I continue to read some Quran. Tomorrow is the day of wuquf. So it will start our first day of Hajj. Wife is not doing so great. She is crying at her tent. I don’t think she can take the heat and the cramp space. I’m sad but I ask her to be patient. Goodnight 

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