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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Day 19: 12 Zulhijah and going home

Woke up at 1am this morning because I was sweating like a pig. Couldn’t sleep so might as well get ready for the long walk. Uncle and his son also are ready so we made our way slowly to the Jamrah. It took us a good 60 minutes to reach there and throw all the stones. I throw the stones for my wife as well. After that we rest our legs on the street while waiting for Subuh. After prayers we went for a second round of throwing the stones and then we are considered done. Walking back from the place back to our camp we saw a herd of people walking towards it. The crowd was massive and most of the after throwing can go back home to their respective hotels. I made it at 5am and pack some stuff (I still manage to forget my neck pillow) and we left for the hotel. My wife wanted to go but the doctors and I said no. She feels disappointed not going and I don’t know if I should feel guilty for not letting her go. In one hand I want to keep her safe but on the other hand she could handle it. I won’t know. I caution on the side of being safe I guess. Back at the hotel we unpacked and I did like 5 buckets of laundry. Mostly hers. The day is spend just resting. We didn’t eat rice though. I think we just had too much rice. In the evening I slept alone in the room. It was a tiring day 

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