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So you finally found this blog. Not sure how (unless I told you) The blog is about my random life. My job, games, movies or anything that interest me. Feel free to comment or just enjoy the ride.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Boy Kills World

This is basically a video game movie 

What is it about?
A guy who sets out for course of revenge only to find something more sinister behind it 

The Good
The movie is simple enough with good narration 
The action is first class gore 

The Bad
The movie is really boring. Once you know the twist it wasn't that great
After a while the action seems repetitive 

The Ugly 
Nothing much 

After Credits: Yes

Verdict: It is an okay movie. Can't complain 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Week 26 - H1 is going uni hunting

This week is just another normal week for me. H2 is super sick. H1 is going university hunting which is a headache on it's own since we need to figure out how to get the money. A lot of things to do. But I hope something good comes my way.

Jun 24

• Cleaning the house due to mom is coming
• Wife bought a new iPad Air. Comes with a free pencil and 500

Jun 25

• I lost a friend. Well I don’t consider her a friend since she brings nothing to the table of friendship. So I decided to snapped at her. she finally said goodbye. For the first time that I don’t have any lost feelings of she going away… I call it growth.
• Wife students came to visit. Had dinner and they bake a cake
• H1 deposited all her money from her art sales. Totalling $300

Jun 27

• Wife new ipad is here
• H2 is having high fever and yet she has to go to school due to the final exams
• H1 went out with boys. I wasn't ausmed but they seem like nice people

Jun 28

• H2 has a high fever. Took her to the clinic and they gave her antibiotic. She still has to attend school because of her final exams
• Mom treat us to Thai food. Damn it was good. Cost around $100
• Had to pick up H2 friend. So she joined us for lunch as well.
• Rained so heavy today when I send mom to the hotel
• My friend who said goodbye unblocked me. But I think the freindship has sour. I will just be a person that they want me to be.,

Jun 29

• Went university hunting with H1. First uni was good. Price was quite steep at 110k for 4 years. The university its a big huge building. Distance is around 20 mins from the house. The second university is around 20 mins away but the price is around 80k. Which is much cheaper and H1 seems to be keen in learning here. Now we just need to figure out how to get money.

Next week will be the last week of H2 primary school. Other than that there is nothing that interesting that's going to happen. But you never know. Life is super unpredictable