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Friday, May 17, 2024

Young Justice Phantoms

Season 4 of the best cartoon that I liked

This season: The core Young Justice have their own solo adventure with them all connecting in the end. This season the main story character is Superboy. Everything starts and leads back to him 

Missing: Nightwing only comes he last 4 episode which really sucks. Every original member gets around 3 episodes at least together with Superboy and Miss Martian has the most episodes. Oh yeah and there is no Batman at all this season. He just got a voiceless cameo in the end. 

Topics: I love this season. They touch on Islam and they did a good job on how they portray it. In fact this is one of the best explanation on the religion. They also dead with depression and substances abuse. They do go heavy on the topics 

Ending: It took 6 years to get to Season 3 and another 2 years for Season 4. They haven't renewed it for season 5 but they didn't cancel it as well. So I can say if this is the last season of Young Justice. It was a good ride. But if we have to wait another 10 years for season 5. It would be a good wait either way. No matter what this is a must watch show. 

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